What country is the safest and most peaceful place in the world to raise a family?
Correct answer: Iceland

Heartland Old Guy
Hey! Alpine or Nordic, take your pick, 8 out of the top 10! Yup, safe there, bad people don't like it cold, so they don't go there.

Player Suze Eckert
Iceland is very green, as Greenland is very icy and cold.

After the recent terrible event that happened in New Zealand (2019) it's probable that they will drop down the list. Hope it's just a one off occurrence for such a great country.

Heartland Old Guy, too busy keeping warm to run around the countryside waving guns about maybe.

luckycatfay, it's true. I am Canadian and have never had a bill from a doctor.

All those Scandinavian countries could basically be described as democratically socialist. And so many Americans will be scared of Sanders because he's a democratic socialist. I'd laugh if I didn't feel like crying.

Heartland Old Guy, I am sure that somewhere I read that Sweden had the highest suicide rate, something to do with long winters. Guess I need to do more research.

Hmmm.. I wonder what all those countries have in common. **staring at my doctor bill**

I still love to live in my own beautiful country no matter what!!!!

Notice the USA isn’t in the top 10?

I don't think Iceland is very safe, with all the volcanoes.

Player #89621848
How current is this info? I've heard Denmark has had a lot of rapes since the Muslims moved in.

Unless bunch of volcanoes wake up😬

These countries are also among the least religious in the world...don't think it's a coincidence

Would love to visit there one day

Player Suze Eckert, seems strange the n as names don’t match the climate

Any where in Africa is bad. SA sad sad place to be

RushMama2112, Here in Canada we have free health care, but in my small town in Northern New Brunswick, population 3500? Fifteen hundred are still waiting for a doctor and the town clinic closed up! What do we do now?

Heartland Old Guy, I don't like the cold so I don't go there either lol

Mrs busybody
Jimmyjojimbob, where do you get your information from? Yes there are some nutjobs who call themselves Muslims and chaos in the world but they are not the majority and don’t have as much support from true Muslims as you would like to believe. The majority of Muslims do not condone the actions of the extremists or support them.

Interesting comments. I think some people are not seeing the whole picture. Your standard of living encompasses more than safety. most people live in cities for jobs, social interaction, and convenience. Most countries will give you safety if you are willing to live in isolation, but you lose human interaction and job availability. I'd like to see an accurate index of which countries offer the most FREEDOM.

Viet, ummm-what?

Birdiemom, Havasu has plenty of guns.

Player jazzy24
Gunnar Gunderson, come live in the UK, all you need is a dingy!

Gunnar Gunderson
Heartland Old Guy, I love the cold, but have been told Americans are not welcomed anywhere (and no countries allow immigration).

Player Suze Eckert, I remember reading that Iceland and Greenland were named that way to fool people into moving to Greenland rather than Iceland.

what about Australia?

hmm, only singapore from asia

Player #17305956
Australia has again fared well in a list of the world’s most liveable cities but the most populous state capitals of Melbourne and Sydney have plummeted down the rankings.
Instead it was Adelaide that stole the show, ranking as the third most liveable city in the world for 2021.

Player #28422752, trust me..canada is not top 10. I'm living it

l don't no

Player #42347726
It might be a true statement for some of these countries.. But... Not all of these countries are welcoming towards foreigners.. It might be great for their own nationals but not for all expats.. Don't be fooled and do your research before taking your families into these countries.. On a side note... How is it possible that the happiest countries in the world have a large percentage of their population on antidepressants!?

Lionessa, there might be few of us, but we also live in a tight knit community, with strict gun laws and a rather strong welfare system. Kids here are also not put in different schools based on class, but only by neighborhood, and they are very mixed.
There are enough of us for the statistics to count (trust me, I'm a sociologist) and we are a lot safer country than many others. That being said, I don't think we always belong at the top of every "best country" list.

Poppe Galore
According to this game, Ice,and is the best place to live with “best” security, education, environmental practices and the list goes on. Can anyone else confirm this before I start applying for immigration 😄

Abuse of women widespread, not healthy family atmosphere

Ok, does everybody also know that Iceland has a very small population of 362000. Seriously, I don't think based on how small the ratio to say a normal country of the world that their statistics, though impressive it might well be, should be used to compare with the rest of the world. So, back to reality, living in Iceland is like watching The Truman Show. Influencial circumstances with a bit of fiction and you have yourself a Media franzy on who would like to live in the most smallest liveable country in the world 🤦♀️

( Snail Darter)
Ms. Margaret, It’s called seasonal hibernation. When you’re snowed in and miserable, solitude’s your only option.....