Who is this?
Correct answer: Queen Elizabeth II

Bridget Sullivan-Schultz
I think Queen Elizabeth is truly an amazing person!

Princess 'M'
God bless Queen Elizabeth II! We absolutely love her! Wishing her Health, Happiness, and Longevity...

Close up would be much better

Player #2490030
futuramagirl777, In fact you are sadly misinformed.Not only does the queen give loads of money through her many royal charities but she funds many of her expenses herself. Also much of her fortune is art, artifacts, etc. which are slso for the rnjoyment of the British people.

Mama Crow
I'm an American, and I love the Queen. She is a wonderful, amazing person! Cheers to Great Britain!

futuramagirl777, No, she deffinately couldn't end world poverty!! There are much richer brittish people than the queen, should JK Rowling give all her money to the poor? As for the cost to us, the royal family costs each person in the UK less than 70 pence per year, imo a small price to pay to protect our national identity and our culture.

YawningChicken22, because they uplift others, spending time working with charities at home and abroad, plus the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, and Prince Charles’ Princes Trust, have provided real help to with skill training and employment opportunities that would not otherwise have happened. Like it or not, Royal Patronage often adds the public profile and opens doors for charities across a wide spectrum, including the homeless, drug addicts, ex servicemen and women, the disabled, and most recently, mental health charities. Yes, they do live in big houses, but so do catholic and Anglican bishops( have you seen Lambeth Palace?) all of the Labour Front Bench ( how many of them went to private school, and use the NHS?) andthe captains of industry. What size of home do you live in? Have you opened it up to the homeless? How does your food budget, and entertainment, holidays, cars etc compare to those at the poorer end of life? I am, of course, making the assumption that you live a relatively comfortable lifestyle, and are in work. Even if not, I wonder if you have a humongous TV, satellite and broadband service, and the rest of it. If you are not willing to give it all up for others, why are you pontificating about others doing so. No one chooses the circumstances into which they are born, some rich, some poor. I was raised on welfare benefits, with second hand clothing, some provided by charities. So what? I have been jobless and homeless. So what?

Bríd, what would you like as head of state? An elected president? Look around the world and see how that has/is working.
The British monarch is non-partisan, above politics, and is head of state of most other commonwealth countries, including Canada and Australia. Queen Elizabeth II has shown herself to be faithful, loyal, and hard working. She could have sat out the war, or gone somewhere else. The whole Royal Family, including her parents, chose to remain in London, to show solidarity with the people. Her parents visited London neighbourhoods that had been bombed, bringing uplift to those who escaped the rubble, and famously said they were glad that Buckingham Palace had been bombed, so that they could look other Londoners, “in the eye”.Both of their children, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret decided to “do their bit”, which I personally think is commendable. The modern Royal Family have also embraced military service, two on active duty, in the front line (Andrew and Harry; both helicopter pilots in the Falkland and Afghan conflicts, respectively) William also flew ambulance helicopters.

Queen Elizabeth is a great example of living your life for the good of your country. I hope her grandchildren carry on in the same vein.

Player #406448
so much respect for Her Majesty!

Hunger Knowledge
can't imagine her father The King of Britain letting her fight the fight the war

Prairie Woman
Princess 'M', I gather these posts were made before the Queen's passing? She was Always an exemplary world leader and human being!

Princess 'M', she’s passed away now. I wish her well in her new life in heaven with our Lord… 🙏🩷

Player #139339187
wow princess Margaret. 👸

I know my favorite Queen anywhere, hi Queenie miss you

she looks the same. look at that face then now. yes, she is an amazing person

That pic is so tiny though! 😝

😥queen 👑Elizabeth is death

The picture is too small to be able to see the person's face.

Asianblonde , Thank you she is part of the Cabal.

I loved the fact she fixed her vehicles even as Queen!!

DC Brainiac
this picture is too far away and too small! it wouldn't zoom in

Player #38077780
Bridget Sullivan-Schultz, haha she's dead

Boop boop b doop
R.I.P. & thank you for your service.

Cat Mom
But now she is gone & the Royal Family is like watching a daytime soap opera!

She is a good example of a selfless leader.

Player #2490030, DAG helps japanese

Wish all world leaders could actually lead by example.

Bridget Sullivan-Schultz, cuz……

it's sad how many people are deceived by that evil woman

she's pretty good and kind of ❤️

hi there 😊 ☺️ 🤗 🙂 😄
I hate Queens it's hard to be one

I am also impressed so much!

Some of you just say Queen Elizabeth but it’s actually (Queen Elizabeth the 2nd) comment if you call her Queen Elizabeth the 2nd or not! God bless Queen Elizabeth the 2nd

Player #107451533, Yeah me too god bless Queen Elizabeth the 2nd

Like if you love Queen Elizabeth the 2nd

Queen Elizabeth the 2nd is one of the best queens I wished she lives longer. God bless Queen Elizabeth! It’s so exciting she had the longest reign ever!
Like if you love Queen Elizabeth

Player #107451533
I loved Queen Elizabeth... She was amazing!! still have magazines about her.❤️❤️

She was a Fasinating, Wonderful Woman!!!

A truly remarkable woman - who will go down in history as one of the sincerest Monarchs that ever reigned.