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Correct answer: Nancy Kerrigan

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Player GayleP, If you cannot say something nice perhaps you need to find another game to play! Many of us that do play this game enjoy it tremendously!!! Plus, of those people that are not Americans and dislike playing this particular app please go to the main page and change your country!!!
i always believed that in some way tonya knew of the attack ascwhen she was skating,nancyvgot all of the praise
MALICE, She didn't deserve that swat on the knee.
Player #7503962
Player #7503962
Syn, just because we play the game doesn't mean we have to like Nancy Kerrigan!!!!
Player #11503902
Player #11503902
The whole thing with Tonya and Nancy got way out of control. I was sorry for Nancy, but in the end I grew tired of her attitude. I loved it when the young Oksana, came out of no where and won. Unfortunately, I don’t think she was prepared for that kind of success and has had a rough time ever since. Her childhood, certainly did not provide her with a stable base.
Player #11503902
Player #11503902
Luanna3353, Oksana. blew them all away . Great moment. Loved it
Major Audie Murphy
Major Audie Murphy
Funny how people just ignore that, during all this, Nancy was having an affair and had no concern for his wife - much less his children.
she was a snooty,stuck-up, ME ME ME kinda person ... never liked her
Amazing? She was caught on camera griping to Mickey Mouse at Disney World about how "corny" everything was!
Player #Debbie7171
Player #Debbie7171
I worked in Disney when she performed there and she was very rude and entitled. I witnessed the awkwardness firsthand. Since then I haven't been a fan.
Tonya Harding has said publicly that she "knew something was up," and if she didn't know exactly what was going to happen, she did understand that Kerrigan was going to get hurt. Tonya could have stopped it, but she chose not to.
Nerak 7
Nerak 7
The question just stated the facts. I saw no negativity in the question. I thought both Nancy and Tonya were great skaters.. I enjoy skating today and glad to that no more injuries like this occur today.
Lionessa, Whoever cheats is a very disappointing and disrespectful person. They should be ashamed.
Player #Debbie7171, Wow I didn't know all this I thought she was different, but a lot of people are saying she is rude.
Major Audie Murphy, Didn't know about the affair, that is very lame.
penawareof, No she deserves the gold metal.
HipCat7942, I truly believe she was behind all the way.
obvious who watched the Tonya harding special/docudrama/streaming dealio!
Tonya knew all about what was gonna happen and when I was mad when Oksana won Nancy should have won and Oksana became a drunk Tonya lost her career and I'm sure if you asked her she'd say it wasn't worth it
I've always heard Tonya did that
penawareof, just shows things are not what it seems. Nancy wasn't as upright as She seemed
No, one Needs to be Degraded in front of the world like that or judged ? This world is Crazy and gotten out of hand. There is No Respect anymore, so sad this world has become
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
MALICE, hawt bod though..
ninjagranny #24337166, such ashame a criminal like her getting clout with Netflix specials and stuff
Pacheco fam
Pacheco fam
MALICE, did you know her?!?
Tonya tried to eliminate Nancy from competiting, but the hitman's (literally) whack to the knee didn't cause the serious injury Tonya had hoped for. Tonya hasn't apologized yet for her role, but the International Figure Skating Association knows she was absolutely involved, thus banned her for life from every competing again. Always treat others with respect!!
Player #28986945
Player #28986945
don't think she Tanya knew about the attack but it was a long long time ago and I think she was punished enough for it time to get on and over it
Player #28371552
Player #28371552
never did understand why it happened
Player Gmaw27
Player Gmaw27
Beautifully talented and graceful!
Player #19472386
Player #19472386
A very competitive woman with good human qualities
ninjagranny #24337166
ninjagranny #24337166
a must watch ~ I Tonya (Netflix movie)
I was sad that a skater got injured like that....but, then Nancy milked it for every...single last...tiny...miniscule...drop of sympathy she could squeeze out of the incident. Not my idea of someone to be admired. Great skater, but not a nice human being.
KL Hickman
KL Hickman
She was my idol growing up. I remember gliding across my grandma's living room floor thinking I was her lol.
KILL Covid19
KILL Covid19
we need a movie about Nancy, like I,Tonya was about Tonya Harding, the truth!
MALICE, perfect player name
Player #15718736
Player #15718736
Just judge the performance. In spite of whatever, N.K. rocked!
Binni ji
Binni ji
I knew her photo
Player #4117015
Player #4117015
That's right BREAK A LEG
808stevan1, In 1986 the International Olympic Committee decided two sets of Olympic Games (Winter and Summer) were too much for one year and voted to separate the two. Therefore, there was only a two year break before the 1994 Winter Olympics, but both the Summer and Winter Games have been every four years since.
Player #14993519.
Player #14993519.
TinyTim52, ,,, Nancy skated like she was so afraid of falling or afraid of the required jumps, Judges pick up on that, they don’t want that,Oksana skated fearless ,even with one mishap,they prefer her,