What is paradoxical sleep also called?
Correct answer: Rapid Eye Movement sleep

My goodness, one learns so much on this site. A high school requirement should be: logon to QuizzLand, unless you get to level 50, you ain't graduating.

Player #10628065
Ever had a dream, when you knew you were dreaming. In one of these, I decided to fly--had so much fun.

Laudy Miss Claudy
If you wake up a person during REM sleep he'll tell you that he was dreaming.

nothing cuter than a sleeping kitten!!

REM I get it rarely now. I miss dreaming every night!

Yikes, the eyes "drift apart" in slow wave sleep?

Guillermo, especially when they turn their head almost upside down😺

Player #50531971
KookyOrangutan5005, sleep scientists say everyone dreams, the difference is whether we remember dreaming. when assessing nutritional needs, they ask about it and suggest B6 supplements because no dreams means the body is low in that nutrient. amazing.

Player #41360751
Love the ginger kitten.... cats rock!

Player #10628065, Yes, I do all the time. It's called “lucid dreaming”

Jen, I hate pickles, but love cheese, it all evens out except the cholesterol!

Player #50531971, I had to Google what food is rich in B6 because I keep a record of my dreams. I found them fascinating while still at school and trained myself to remember and write them down. And guess what, my main diet are the eggs and they are in fact rich in B6!

Player #66817220
SOS, in "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman", Richard Feynman describes teaching himself to dream lucidly for a class project.

Player #66817220
Celadon, it's OK. They stay in their sockets.

Player #50445625
Scotti, my brother too. it used to freak me out!😆

River Serenity
WaldoLydeker, Right??

My daughter frequently sleeps with her eyes slightly open, so you can see her pupils moving. It looks so freaky when they drift apart!

hi Kooky

rapid eye movement is called REM sleep