What is Trypanophobia?
Correct answer: Fear of medical procedures involving needles
I work in an operating theatre and we have patients who come and say they have this fear. Then I notice the tattoos that they have.
I had a friend who was so afraid of needles, that he would not go to the doctor. He had a hernia that ruptured and he bled to death in his front yard, simply because he wouldn't go to the doctor, due to his fear of needles. He had left his phone in the house and couldn't get to it to call for help. Such a waste of a life because of fear.
Player Elf Council
MadMarcus1812, I have found that more men suffer from this than women. I have a theory. As young girls we had to learn sewing and embroidery so were forever sticking needles into ourselves. No worries!
Tripano is to put a hole in something in Greek
constantgamer0421, yeah...tattoos actually HURT. Today's hypodermic needles are so sharp and finely polished that you hardly feel it
OzzysUndies, major difference between hypodermic needles and tattoo needles.
I have this because of a nurse who somehow didn't know how to take blood properly when I was a little kid. all I remember was her fishing around in both arms for a vein for like 10 minutes while I cried in pain.
OzzysUndies, I too work in operating theatre and agree, the bigger they are the worse they are lol
Trypa in Greek means hole
I've been a diabetic for several years and some days I feel like a human pincushion! But needles don't bother me much anymore. It's usually what comes after the needles that I worry about.
little b
i have a fear of needles
learning so much today on this. I have this now I know it's name.
waffles, I've had that experience a few times in my life, including with well trained nurses and technicians that don't usually have those problems!
I believe it might be because of differences in blood pressure in some people that lower blood pressures make the veins less easily visible!
I've got an unusually high tolerance for pain though, so I rarely "feel" it as anything more than a minor inconvenience!
OzzysUndies, Irrational fears blinded by equally irrational egania!
Cat Mom
Nora, Wow!
Cat Mom
Is it just me or did the questions get a lot harder at level 30? My stars are going to go down dramatically because I just don't know the answers
Player Elf Council, Well I appreciate your opinion 😁
oh my gosh I have another phobia 🙄 my heart rate be 165+ beats per minute every time
OzzysUndies, I suffer from this. I only get phobic if it's a needle I know that's going into my veins.
OzzysUndies, I got it and I have tattoos it’s different but I can’t explain it
@Player Elf I would like to register a very strong disagreement with you. in spite of girls' interests and interactions with needles, when it comes to our getting injections at school all the girls are at the back of the lines.
Player Elf Council, you are so right 👍
I have needle phobia it isn’t the pain or blood it’s the actual hypodermic syringe it makes me anxious just thinking about them!
Arun S
The picture was sort of a giveaway
I do have that,but i just know it now what is so called of it..But my family just didn't understand why i am really scared in needles or any procedures whenever they brought me in a clinic or hospital.Because.i have that kind of phobia,i just already feel the pain in advance.
Lala Jacobs
I have this 😭
literally girls are so lucky because when they sow they poke the needle into their finger
Bro, I'm scared/freaked out of injections. Or if someone accidentally point a sharp object in my eye.
I'm scared of needles to the point that my General Practioner even knows that I don't deal with needles.
Chelu Neb1
did someone say "needles"???? :O
and I'm one of them 😔😥very very much 😭😭
waffles, I am so sorry to hear...
As a diabetic that takes 5 shots a day-no problem with needles. Keeps me alive!
Player #77933663
OzzysUndies, not the same, needles go deep, tattoo needles scratch surface.
Dieu linh
Mon qua cuc dinh
I thought having a extreme fear of injections are normal not until I read this information. Actually, I'm afraid before in any kinds of needles and injections but may parents always said that it is just like a bite of ant.
wen i was a kid until my fear become strong likewise wen i see the needle my blood dropping and somethimes i do colapse other people laughing at me bcoz of that but i can't overcome my fear,,😞😞😞😞
I also have this phobia I got to know it right now. First, I thought that the fear of medical procedures and needles was a part of anesthesia.
it's me im soo afraid of blood
I can sypatize with waffles because the same thing happened to me. I had to get over this because my doctor takes my blood all the time. I dontlook at the needle anymore. I call him dracula.