In Scotland, what part of your body is informally known as your bahookie?
Correct answer: Bottom

we also speak Doric in the NE Scotland - completely different vocabulary

I think you will find that Gaelic, as a language, is distinct from Latin based and German based languages. It is one of the Celtic languages.
I may be wrong, but I think you should check.

Shane about the Big Yin! (That’s Billy Connolly to those who don’t know)

p, We are NOT Scotchmen we are Scots or Scottish. I don't think that Geordies would be too happy with your name for them either.

A Scotchman is a Jordy,with is brains bashed in,some say

It would be marvelous to visit Scotland someday..

Greygranite, Doric? *wonders how the Greeks ended up in Scotland* 🤔 Interesting…
(Okay I looked it up, and the word is actually probably a reference to the Doric Greeks, so lol. Not related though, just named after them.)

That’s my new word! Classic and thank you Scotland!

every slang is different, that's what slang is for

Player #25874027
I see the picture shows Scottish children as “wee Yins “ . The tragedy is that there will only be one “ Big Yin”