What was Abraham Lincoln's famous speech which was delivered during the American Civil War in 1863?
Correct answer: Gettysburg Address
McClellan spoke for over two hours before Lincoln and that's one reason he kept his speech so short. who knew it would be the most memorable speech ever.
Lincoln was also an inventor . I memorized the Gettysburg address in history also .
Imagine if it would’ve been “I Am Prepared to Die” 🫢🤭
When I hear The Gettysburg Address I feel very emotional. Proud that our country was able to withstand the horrors of the war, sad about so many killed, amazed that our president could convey such emotion is so few words.
Player #27327294
Sarah, that would be Edward Everett.
one of my husband's ancestors fought in the battle of Gettysburg.
I also memorized the Gettysburg Address. My 8th grade teacher required every student to memorize it as part of history. We had one teacher for all subjects. I was a small school and we didn't change teachers for each subject.
Every time I hear the Gettysburg Address I get very emotional.
Player JD
Nowadays everything is centered around the president's speech. He wasn't even the primary speaker.
Cat Mom
Ken, are you the 'Ken' who's name is under some of the questions
Cat Mom
Ken, What do you mean that you mentioned it in history?