Yellowstone Park is located in which country?
Correct answer: US

I've been to Jellystone park....

Trainwreck, Now many attractions and national parks are very crowded with visiting humans, and a few actually require an appointment scheduled.

BrainTek, I am a Canadian living in Saskatchewan. It was a good long drive for us too, but we visited Yellowstone and found that it was well worth the trip. An 8 to 10 hour drive? That's doable in a day. Or split it into two days and see something else along the way.

being an American citizen, I think I ought to know that.

I'd love to visit yellowstone... only live like an 8 or 10 hr drive from it

I love Japan and Canada I want to visit those countries

It is very beautiful but overrun with tourists. I understand the want to see, just wish the powers that be would limit the traffic. If one person thinks they see something the whole place comes to a halt, no going forward or backward.

Tremain White
Shame, though, that it's... one of the top ten world's 'overdues'...

Player #14000764
I never been to the park or the states that the park is I would love to see the geyser, one day.