Who is Peter Gene Hernandez?
Correct answer: The singer Bruno Mars

Player Ejag
Love his music & his attitude!

Player Bengal Mama
I see no hint in the picture re Bruno Mars. Too many people whine.

Player #3366575, singer, songwriter, dancer

kelo wren, on which side of his family?

B to the ill
I've also heard that "Mars" was chosen as part of his name because of being out of this world.

I dig some of his 'ol tunes.

AutumnalCrust12. I agree. Not fair to compare. Both men have their own different styles. Their common ground is putting out really good dance music.

The story goes...he..like his father, were BIG Wrestling fans..most noticeably..by the popular wrestler of that day...Bruno..and true...his young attitude towards life...actually matched his nickname..there's a bit more detail to the story..but that's the nutshell.

Player #13023389
I didnt get it. Oh well. Love this game. Debby

I Love Bruno Mars!
TALENTED Musician/ Singer/ Entertainer/ Dancer... He does it all EXTREMELY WELL!! ☺

Player #5100533
I drove a tour bus for a band from Hawaii, called The Green. I heard more Bruno Mars music than their own. They were huge fans, & now I like it too. PS. The picture preceding the question, is not always a "Good hint"...

808stevan1, He is most definitely NOT the new Michael Jackson...ridiculous

Player #3366575
beatlebaby021, what does Bruno Mars do?

dollis1963, ME too