Who first used the term "Iron Curtain" in connection with the USSR?

Correct answer: Winston Churchill

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What people think about it: 12 Comments
Player #4209348Roths
Player #4209348Roths
a man ahead of his time, but came at the right time
Player sodalou
Player sodalou
churchill was an amazing man
Player #1935809
Player #1935809
I went to Westminster college, it was renamed to Westminster in honor of Churchill. Great school
Player #1935809, Vienna has never been located behind the iron curtain!!
accidentally pressed the thumbs down button accidentally past few times... all questions interesting.. and educational
He first quoted it in a speech that he gave in 1946, the year after the Second World War had ended in 1945...Thus was the birth of the Cold War years...
Player sodalou, Winston Churchill is to India as Hitler was to the world. he was responsible for the deaths of 3 to 5 million Indians by causing an artificial famine(he ordered stockpiling of food) that was taken away from India to England as he deemed white British lives were of more value than people of color.
Ezziddeen Abdulwahhab
Ezziddeen Abdulwahhab
As soon as I read the first part of the question I was like "Easy, red alert!"
The map of Azerbaijan is indicated incorrectly. Karabakh is Azerbaijan.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Spliff, But Vienna was possibly highly influenced by Russia in the immediate post war era . It was supposedly full of Soviet spies
Player #8542880
Player #8542880
Player sodalou, maybe read the history of ww2 and then comment
Great question, well researched!