Which type of cloud is associated with thunderstorms?
Correct answer: Cumulonimbus

Beverley Australia
Miss Pringle, you never stop learning. I am 72. My family think I am dumb. But I get. Most of these are Questions right. I had to look after my brothers while mum worked.
So. I missed a lot of school but I’m spare time I read. While others girls where collecting pictures of pop stars. I was collecting information.
But the family stil think I am dumb. But I know I am not. That’s all that matters

Rows and flows of angel hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons every where
Looked at clouds that way
But now they only block the sun
They rain and snow on everyone
So many things I would have done
But clouds got in my way
I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's cloud's illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all

With a thanks to Mr. Rice, my Earth Science teacher! Teachers Rule!!

I knew this one cause my Dad has always been a meteorologist. He is now one in Alaska. Love clouds and the info on them and the weather. Amazing really.

Mama Crow
nimblemoon, THANK YOU! We teachers love enthusiastic learners!

Beverley Australia, u are not dump there dump 4 even thinking like. Im ditto like u but i 60 .life is ur school..

Montana Lady
MagicTwanger, in advanced college & university courses geography includes climatology and meteorology (weather) as well as many other things....
Geography effects currents, which effects wind, which effects temperatures, which effects storms and so forth...

Uninitialized, Joni Mitchell.. a genius.. reading her lyrics just now gave me chills.. again..

Mama Crow
MagicTwanger, Your point is well-taken. However, geography has a direct impact on weather. so weather and geography do go together. Science, geography, and history often commingle.

Player Gigi #28446253
Uninitialized, I sang along
love that song and Joni
thanks for the lyrics

3 am. Sound asleep. A huge clap of thunder brings you upright in bed. Lightning flashes non-stop and thunder ceaselessly booms. The tornado sirens are screaming, and the power goes out. The rain is a solid sheet, obscuring vision, and the night is alive with sound. You know the tornado is out there, but where? Across town or two doors down? Cumulonimbus is the cloud that brings the beast.

Uninitialized, thanks. Great song!

Uninitialized, joni Mitchell. my favorite!

Uninitialized, Awwww that's beautiful. Well done ❤️👍

Although I knew the correct name of this type of cloud, I've always nicknamed them "Cotton-Ball" clouds 😉

Popka Durak
I believe it's Venice in the picture

Beverley Australia, you're not dumb! If you get most of these questions right, you're pretty smart! I'm like you - always preferred books and fun facts to hairstyles and pop stars! 😊

I almost forgot then I remembered the movie Up when Russell was talking about clouds and thunderstorm that they were approaching in their balloon house. 🎈🏠 🐶👴🏼🙎♂️

the first couple dozen old comments didn't mention this so...knew this from the movie UP

Carolyn Cooper
Uninitialized, This poem is whimsically expressive and delightful. It hit me like a puff of fresh air! Thanks for sharing it.

Uninitialized, if you wrote those words with looking up the ,I am impressed

Beverley Australia, you are amazing

Uninitialized, is that the lyrics to Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides Now?"

Player #34577061
Beverley Australia, keep it up

Uninitialized, Is that Joanie Mitchell?

I knew this because of Nami from One Piece! Anime teaches so much!

Guillermo Jr.
Cumulonimbus would also be a great name for a racehorse..

Player #33737275
And I love the summer rains in subtropical Florida!

my son has always been fascinated with clouds.. knows every type and he can predict the weather with uncanny accuracy

Player #21374632
nimblemoon, I love clouds and I take pictures of unusual ones

Morgan Tarot Reader
My favourite cloud

Montana Lady, **Affects!