Finish this Bible phrase: "Everything is possible for him who _____."
Correct answer: Believes

Marcy, Faith the size of a mustard seed is all it takes!!!

We love you, Jesus. We love all people.

PerkyLin, It was Yeshua. There is no letter J in either Hebrew or Greek. But the Hebrews pronounced their letter Y with something close to our letter J. So his name was transliterated to Jesus.

AutumnalCrust12, I DID believe, BUT....

Snappy Dragon
Everything is possible if you live the right kind of virtuous, kind and loving life and MANIFEST your own destiny - how about that maybe?
Religion is just mass brain washing!

Kiki , And we all said amen

Rachel if you truly believed in him, you still do

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Snappy Dragon, Indoctrination at its finest! 😉

I love all the religions, but Nobody reads holy books this deep (nowadays)

yes and Jesus Christ is the way to heaven

Rosie, yes, but we don't know what is true

yes, those who believe in Jesus Christ will go to heaven

I love Jesus and I believe in Him and he is my Lord and Savior

Snappy Dragon, then how do you explain the archeological discoveries that prove that the Bible is real? Think about it

Tony, Jesus is Yeshua, remember I AM THAT I AM? Jesus was explaining that he was still Jesus. In the Old Testament He was concealed, In The New Testament, He was revealed. When he did reveal himself unto his people they rejected him, which lead to them being blinded for a season, and lead to Paul preaching to the Gentiles. In John Jesus said I and My Father are one. If the Father is Yeshua, would it not make sense for them to be the same as stated in The Scriptures. Now, in The Corinthians they wanted the more Perfect Wag to salvation and that is through Jesus Christ.

Snappy Dragon, there is more to it than than, & I wish I could get a good brain washing,, there's a lot I want out of mine

Clark Shastri 🤓
Lol. The options. 😂 (24/02/07)

Anthony Tonni, just to let you know that the Bible verse in John ch 3 V 16 says - For God so Loved the world that he gave his Only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have Everlasting Life.

Tony, That is interesting thanks.

lolirock and anime lover

Also, did you know that JFK was Catholic?

AutumnalCrust12, me too

my grandma is a man or should i say woman of god she prays day and night before we sleep and after we wake up she literally wakes up earlier than me but i only visit her so
i don't see her all the time so i only see her sometimes but praise the lord i believe believing the lord makes you blessed
all theee timeeeee

a strong Faith makes a deeper belief that even a pray over will be achieved