The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to _________. (Albert Einstein)
Correct answer: Receive

Are you serious? Einstein was born on Pi Day?! March 14: 3.14159...Well, that figures (no pun intended).

My great grandmother lived in Princeton most of her life and she was a nanny for one of Einstein's good friends. He always treated her with respect and kindness. Even on the street he treated her as a friend stopping to chat. Princeton was much more intimate back then, even when I was born and raised it still had the feel of a small town.

Player #4243757
Gates guve millions from his billions, Aunty donates everything she doesn't need to live on, who is the greater person?

There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. - Acts chapter 20:35 Jesus words..

Einstein was brilliant. He was a Jew and was offered the presidency of Israel.

toe jam
their are two kinds of people in this world, the givers and the takers.

he was also a Jew

Be wise
toe jam, my mother told me, “You’re a giver, it would be in your best interest to marry a giver.” Givers have no limits and neither do takers.

I'll send you my details.....

Player #4243757, ????? What are you comparing too???

Gerald &Estie Anderson
We are givers because of Matt. 25 in the Bible

My Grandpa looked just like A. Einstein. I Swear it was his Twin. My Grandpa was a Very Spiritual Man. he Prayed for the World. people he didn't even know.every sunday went to church.he would say Amen to this,HalleluJah.

Yaniv, what is your point?

M37, he was offered the presidency of

Player #9914179
ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.

Hi my name is John

OptimisticFrog17914, so what's wrong with that

Player #4527217
cherbear, really cool story.😇

he have same birthday as i

Player #4787751
Mahan-da-man-Dan, re-read the question.

one of my favorites!