In what month is Black History observed in the USA and Canada?
Correct answer: February

I believe we should observe and appreciate ALL history every month.

Mighty Mind
Keek, you would say that when you have had the privilege to see your race in everything you do everyday. Black history month was not started to segregate. It was to stip the ignorance that people had ib thinkibg that Black Americans made no cobtributiobs to this country. BET was created so that we could see ourselves and not as always caricatures from an era that this country has trouble in recognizing the shame of its history.

Player #23407173
In order to understand why Black Month Hispanic Heritage Month Womens History Month Asian-Pacific Month, etc. exists, you have to have a basic understanding of the history of America. Many contributions that different groups have made to this country have been left out of the narrative of American History. Obviously when Negro History week was founded in 1926 America was a far more racist and segregated society. Since we're on the subject, BET was founded by Bob Johnson because MTV did not play black artists at first. He's a capitalist and saw an opening in the market. Many institutions were founded because of a segregated society.

Keek, Only if white america would acknowledge black america for our achievements in this country. As far as it goes with the NAACP and BET. They're just a drop in the bucket, compared to the many things other ethics groups have

I'm amazed over people holding a grudge over something that happened so many years ago to people they have never met and they were not around at the time. I've had bad things happen to my ancestors but that was then and this is now. Time for all of us to move on. No one can change the past so just let it go since we all enjoy now the liberty of this country.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Not attacking, simply asking & stating with no intent of malice, or hate, or separation, etc. Please keep an open mind & try to see from another point of view. Thank you. If every "group" of peoples have their own month to focus the spotlight on, there should be one for white folks or, (lets face it), Europeans. If we are all to be equal, it should be All Lives Matter. If someone were to come out with WET to go head to head with BET people would call it racist. Same with Black Power, or Indigenous Power, or etc. If someone says White Power, minds already jump to racism & certain backwards groups. Little white, straight, Jack & Jill will grow to feel left out because we have months for different peoples race & religions & sexual orientations Except for Jack & Jill. Now if equality is the goal, then make it so! Without the hate! We have been on a couple of sides of this issue & can see it from many different sides. Equal is either Equal for All or not at all! We could go on further, but will stop. I will not apologize.

Player #23407173, then why don't we have a white history month?

QuickPixel27005, which month is White History month?

Player #26129643
One: the choice of February (the shortest month) is not all ironic, it has to do with the birthdays of Lincoln and Douglass. Two: US history was frequently taught without any mention of the contributions of African-Americans. Three: I would say that the commemoration was started to make A-As understand their own history, but later expanded so that everyone understood. I don't think that the remembrance of Irish, Russian, Chinese, or any race's history takes away from anyone else's

QuickPixel27005, When you are born in America, you are not owed ANYTHING by the world, by the country, or by individual Americans. I was taught, home and school, that I should be grateful that I was born in this country, that it's a blessing and not something to be discounted. Maybe a little more gratitude and a little less gimme, gimme is in order.

Mighty Mind, actually Morgan Freeman would disagree with you!, and many other successful black people.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
LibraLady1010, We agree wholeheartedly, but realistically, like world peace; it probably will never happen. Utopia is a fantasy dream.

Paula J
wesley, all of ‘em

Pick up a USH textbook in any US state & you will see that almost the entire text is about white men's actions & lives. Also, there IS Native American, Women's, Hispanic & AAPI History months designated to make sure to celebrate others & counter the false narrative that white men built this country by themselves!

Since we have a black history month and an Hispanic month, we should have a white month. We are people too, and we deserve the SAME respect as others

QuickPixel27005, that's hilarious

Player nawa, Black scholars choose the month

LibraLady1010, yeah, let's also celebrate all birthdays every day! facepalm!

Echo Equani, I like the way you think

LibraLady1010, don't make this about u

Echo Equani
I think we should celebrate a month where we honor everyone as people.

Player nawa
Figures they would pick the shortest month of the year!

Player Dancing Lady
Never Forget

Player Dancing Lady
The achievements of Black Americans have been erased from history. Our young must know and honor our Ancestors. The entire world should know that this country was built on the backs of slaves. It is a humans right to be recognized for their achievements. The month of February sets some of these injustices in order. I believe that every culture should be recognized for its great history and achievements. In our senior center we put up a display for each culture in the month assigned. Education is the key to bridging the gap. The more I know, the more I can respect the culture of others.