What currency is officially recognised and used in the Vatican?

Correct answer: Euro

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What people think about it: 31 Comments
Really we're doing this again? There are 55 sovereign countries & territories and an additional 27 non-sovereign states & territories around the world where English is listed an official (legal or defacto) language. Of those 82 locations, only 4 use US spelling. I'm not great at math but I think that means they win.
Laudy Miss Claudy
Laudy Miss Claudy
Kellye, Actually recognise is the correct spelling of the word in British English as is the word realise.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
An Englishman in company with an American , referred to a ‘lift’. The American said’ It’s an elevator . We invented it’ To which the Englishman replied ‘Yes , but we invented the language’ Why are people on about this in a Vatican question about money?
Player Elf Council
Player Elf Council
Knodel1966, As Winston Churchill said... Two countries divided by a common language.
Player #26129643
Player #26129643
Ugggh....as an American schooled in the UK, I find the spelling thing boring--tedious!--and people should just move on.
well as the saying goes, "when in Rome you do as the Romans do" right?
and here's me thinking that the Vatican's currency was peoples souls and gullibility XD
Charmander, I wonder if British phone language choices also include Cockney?
To all who want to say British English is not an description of how English is spoken and written in Europe and parts of the world they ruled..please refer to any phone, computer etc where at first you have to select an language of your choice! It will give you option of American English, UK English, etc. There are differences and to an American their English will always be English just like to Europens their English will always be English. But to Indians and many others..British English and American English are two sets of English they proud theirselves in learning.
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
if you visit the Vatican.. it is beautiful.. but beware the gypsy con artists in the area!!
Thanks to LisaRoo for explaining who, when, and why American English separated itself from the English of the British Empire (is that a good enough hint?). Neither of these languages should be confused The Queen's English, which is a particular WAY of speaking and pronunciation, and not a separate language. Almost no one speaks the Queen's English anymore except for Charlie and the Bowser. Probably due to Diana's efforts to make her children more normal than their father, William and Harry have left it behind.
Guillermo Jr., and gypsy pickpockets. They are also horrible in Naples!
Elmo, I don't know where you scraped up your info, but Vatican City has almost no violent crime. The crime is mostly petty theft and pickpocketing. It is a safe place for LGBT.
Player #25874027, the English pram is our stroller.
From merriam-webster.com: "Noah Webster's Spelling Reform Noah Webster was struck by the inconsistencies of English spelling and the obstacles it presented to learners (young and old alike) and resented that American classrooms were filled only with British textbooks. The spelling reform featured in his first dictionary, A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language, was based on the author's combined vision of logic and aesthetics. He changed the –ce in words like defence, offence, and pretence to –se; abandoned the second, silent "l" in verbs such as travel and cancel when forming the past tense; dropped the "u" from words such as humour and colour; and dropped the "k" from words such as publick and musick. The "publick" readily accepted many of these changes and just as readily rejected some of the others."
Player #38618593
Player #38618593
Player #25874027, Actually they didn't. If you research the origins of the English language, it comes from everywhere!
Stinging rider, hey back at you....I grew up in socal, I learned MANY variations of " English ".....kind of a TRUE melting pot, and unless it's a real thick accent, I can usually get the jist..... grateful for the knowledge, and grateful to have moved to a little saner locale.....
Holly Golightly
Holly Golightly
I sometimes skip reading the info.is there any way to go back
Player #45958949
Player #45958949
Vatican has their own currency
Player #40234039
Player #40234039
'american english' is something americans made up. English is derived from Britain . period.
actually we are speaking anglo-saxon german =english
Player Choppie, I didn't jnow it either... 😊
Nutshell, Diversity fellows makes life interesting. The differences are sooo cool.
I thought it was 2000 years of paedophilia and the blood of the innocent. the British get slated for our history and art but Vatican seems to be allowed to abuse people and steal. I mean even globally the Vatican has the highest crime rate in the world per population. that's the private areas for priests, nuns and monks. the worst crime rate in the world is among them who seem to have the highest moral authority or so they claim. it's a joke.
extraordinary eagle
extraordinary eagle
My 5 year old daughter answered the question correctly
mick dundee
mick dundee
GodIsNotReal, that's flaming crows
That's what I call "putting it in a (N)utshell". Better than I can do. Being in Canada & "straddling" the USofA, I'm comfortable with both forms
Player Choppie
Player Choppie
Did not jnow it was a competition.
Nutshell, In a nutshell, yeah.
( Snail Darter)
( Snail Darter)
Laudy Miss Claudy, As is the word gray-grey.....
Lawdy Miss Clawdy, this is obviously an American game.