What is an apiary?
Correct answer: A place that houses bees and beehives

Okie Razorback
To all of you griping about repeat questions, go play another game. Repeat questions, not that there actually that many, re-enforce the info for me. Same goes for whining about "all answers are correct". You are ruining the game for me.

Player #4566686
,save the bees

Player #6852065
Player #4566686, local honey from bees within 20 miles of your residence is an excellent cure for seasonal allergies

Player #6852065
Player #4566686, we have 25 or 30 fruit trees and we love seeing the honey bees. No bees, no fruit.

I keep bees and got this question correct......whew!

Player #desone
Okie Razorback, I agree! I couldn't have said it better. I guess some people have the need to always complain 😉

TwoDeer, then quit playing!

I played a game where you bought items for a farm. I learned it then. Who said games aren't educational? Not me, but don't tell my children!

Player #6852065, I take local bee pollen every day. no more allergies!

Save The Bees 🐝

The students in the picture knows what an apiary is

Mars V
Player #desone, I complain about split infinitives.

Mars V
Okie Razorback, What about us grammar Nazis? What do you think of us?

Mars V
Thanks, Sherlock Holmes!

Player #6852065, I did not know that

I love bees, and I try to keep flowers in my gardens that bees utilize. I love honey too.

What this person
says is true for Mè as well
repeat Questions
help Me remember Joyce
Go play Quiz
Planet if not
Happy ! This is
Best I've found !!!

El Paz
Well the picture was no help,,, good thing I know Italian and Latin, Ape is Italian for Bees 🐝,,,, also the name of the three wheeled moped truck they use in Europe !!!

Okie Razorback, waaaahh. don't read the comments then.

Okie Razorback, Plus they are worded differently!!!

i huv lot of apairies....

Okie Razorback, Don't mind them, Some people are born critics

Okie Razorback, I love repeat questions! I get them right,,lol

Dieu linh
Qua la tot hay

bees bees the magical fruit the more you eat the more you..
oops I meant beans..

My daddy raised bees, and he put a plexiglass observation hive in my bedroom window when I was young to teach me not to be afraid of bees. It was an amazing experience!

Michelle Ahmed
Player #6852065, I didnt know that!

So what is the origin of the word? Greek or Latin, perhaps. I noticed in most other questions involving a rare or technically-difficult word, the origin is stated.

Fun guy
similar questions reinforce knowledge or. ...are griping cause got it wrong twice ?

Player #13023389
I sure didn't know the answer to this question. When I lived in Rockton, PA there was a beekeeper that lived back the lane. He also worked with my husband, Ray. Debby

Player #6852065,
Hey, thanks for this!

Okie Razorback, i call this an educational format.this is not an angry rweet format.lets prove how cool and intelligent we are(i shouldnt have to text that last one)thx razr.

Okie Razorback, that said, I've literally just had it another 3 questions in

Okie Razorback, yep, I know this term now

Player #2763663
I never new that!!