What is the "secret" of a fleas' ability to jump such comparatively huge distances?
Correct answer: They use their hind legs as multi-jointed levers

White fleas can't jump.....

Fleas carried the Bubonic Plage organism or "Black Death" which killed millions in Europe in the 14th century, including 1/2 the population of Italy. Rats brought them from marshes in an area in China westward to the Black Sea, where they boarded trade ships bound for Italy. They then migrated West to England, and turned eastward to Russia. It was found very sanitary conditions (a new idea at the time) was the only thing effective to halt it's progress. That, and fire.

Fun guy
I want the chemical compounds that overcomes gravity ! 🐝

xtendermender, clever and funny!

Era Vulgaris, they're awesome circus performers..

ExceptionalCommand1, they come in all colors, just like us humans.

I was looking for an all of the above answer

Player cosmic
I checked one of these out under a microscope.. 😬

xtendermender, just got your joke- funny!!!

EliteLawyercat57024, Yersinia Pestis

Wannabe Vulcan
James, kinda gives new meaning to a box spring.

Wannabe Vulcan
Andy, Jeb is as free to publish his findings as anyone.

Wannabe Vulcan
vishuz1, but why only on sheep's tails?

Wannabe Vulcan
Fun guy, flubber?

Player #97157890
EliteLawyercat57024, it is now believed that head lice carried the plague rather than fleas.

Gunnar Gunderson
Remember they do not have any wings! But you can practically hear the spring in those legs!

The WB
xtendermender, Dat's raciss.

xtendermender, too funny!!! 😂

Player #2512936
Are there No animals that eat fleas?

vishuz1, that's a great story about the huge flea.

Fleas can grow as big as sheep, only in tales, of tales.

Player #5100533
EliteLawyercat57024, The Homeless people in San Francisco are now getting those same diseases from fleas. It's a filthy, sad, mess.

Player #4796245
xtendermender, you are funny