The only mammal naturally capable of true and sustained flight is:
Correct answer: Bat

Sorry the tree hugger in me can't help pointing out the fact that bats are so important in the quest to keep bug populations down to a manageable amount and with human habitat and development destroying the bats home we are only creating a situation in which undesirable insects will thrive and we will have no one to blame but ourselves. Look at indigenous populations of bears, coyotes or wolves...we destroyed much of their natural habitat and then become upset when they get to close to people mostly looking for food. Just saying....

If bats didn't exist we wouldn't have tequila. Bats pollinate the agave that is used to make tequila.

LoopyLynda74, thank you for commenting on this and what u said, I Agree 100% and humans need to stop destroying nature's natural habitats and then attacking the poor animals that are just in search of food and shelter where they always had before we came in and just decided we r taking over that space!!!

who the hell picked squirrel?!

I just read over 300 hundred species of fruit rely solely on bats including my favorite, mangoes.

LoopyLynda74, They're also one of the only pollinators of our rainforests here in Australia. Very important animals in the ecosystem!

I love bats, they eat bugs, and I hate bugs, except lady bugs, praying mantis, and lightening bugs.

shayla0529, if someone didn't come up with
" this stuff", we couldn't play this game. So Thank You, to everyone that "comes up with this stuff". I for one, Love It!

Always thought bats were so 😎

one of the few people I know who actually thinks certain species of bats are kinda cute..

Player #23994087
Love seeing bats. They hammer insects. If they’re gone the balance of nature suffers and so will we. Bats get a bad rap and they don’t deserve it. They are your nighttime bug zapper.

BobaSodaFett, i did, because i forgot bats were mammals. lol.

Country Boy
We have so many mosquitoes, our bats are getting real fat!

Player #500234
bat's are cool and some pepple think that there disgusting

× Kay Gee ×
i love bats 🤗

BobaSodaFett, It had to be a accident no one is that dumb

Bat can navigate too

In the spring and summer of 2000, I was given the honor of rescuing 12 baby Big Brown bats which are native to Georgia. I learned so much about them that year from an expert called the Bat Lady. She told me that momma bat would kick out the male babies but let the females stay

My favourite bat is Batman..! 😂😂

Bats are so cute like French bulldogs

Don0882, agreed.

BobaSodaFett, on mine, the word bat was scrambled,

not many folks realize the bat is a mammal

If “some” people could just stop eating bats or anything that moves, it would be great for this mother earth and its tenants (wildlife, humans, etc.).

Bats use echo location for travelling

this is so good and nice 👍👍

BobaSodaFett, it does not even have wings

LoopyLynda74, Sadly, I think pesticides are taking care of the bugs. Many plants that provide for us depend on pollination. Our environment is in trouble. We need bugs and bats.

Be the GIRL❤️😍🥰
I thought bats were birds

My brother typed rat

i came across a bat in the middle of a big city. it was rush hour and sidewalks were crowded. i saw him on one of the grates that are in city sidewalks. i would give him a life expectancy of less than a minute. call me a softy, I scooped him into my empty pop glass and put the cover back on. i'd planned to take it to a wooded area near the river but Mom wanted to see if it would stick around the house. he stayed for a couple days, then was gone. i wonere if he went back to the city or lived out his days in the suburbs.

LoopyLynda74, I 100% agree

it is a good game and improve kids

whitesloth91, why?!

LoopyLynda74, more importantly, when we destroy one species of animal in the chain, we enable the prey of that species to overpopulate and cause many other problems!
In your example of the wolves, coyotes, and bears the wolves and bears used to keep the number of "graze" animals to a manageable equilibrium, but with the predator species being removed those "graze species have outgrown their environs and over grazed the food source!
Many starve to death for lack of food or wander into farmers destroying crops!
Coyotes are now seen regularly prowling city and towns and have been reported to prey on pets and even small children

I never knew bats were considered mammals. Interesting!!!

Player 101
How come the photo is in the day but bats only come out at night 🦇

LoopyLynda74, what is a tree hugger

so sad they're endangered 😔

NimbleCavalier81232, Don't forget Mosquito Hawks. They look like mosquitoes but 3 or 4 times as big. They eat mosquitoes. Yay. I don't have a problem with spiders either.

BobaSodaFett, not me I typed bat

Bats....alot info didn't know.

l don't know

BobaSodaFett, they can't fly. they glide.

I’m only 7 year old but my parents have been telling us to do this question since they got older because I have no clue what they want me doing