Who is this?
Correct answer: Robert Mitchum

one of my favorite actors,watch him in the original Cape Fear...awesome!

Mardell Riley
He acted very well , and gorgeuos in my opinion. And if smoked thats his buiness ,no one elses , im sure be was fun.

he was a great actor who i miss watching.

Golly he was handsome

FaithfulReader, loved him in Thunder Road and in Winds Of War & War and Rememberance. He was gorgeous

Player #2123781
capster72, I loved his voice and he was so handsome.

Did a spooky good job in "The Night of the Hunter", one of my favs.

I liked his quip about his jail time for the pot bust: Not that bad, just like Palm Springs without all the riff raff.

CiaransMom, he wasn't a pothead. The studios wanted to ruin his career because he was hard to work with, so they figured a fake pot bust would do it. It only made him more popular.

GinormousEttin73994, he was good in the original Cape fear

He set the stage for the likes of Sean Penn and Leonardo DiCaprio playing the antihero.

Talented hunk!

Mars V
His chubby brother played Detective DeGeorgio in Dirty Harry.

Player #107451533
Player #42664076, was that the one where he ran bootleg Whiskey

So much talent, so well done even though he did not care for acting. Imagine what he may have done if he really liked it.

Tina M.
Player #53060477, judging by all the comments others have made, I think you're in the minority. We love reading about the great stars from the past!

Cape Fear & others love his eyes

Player #51604356
JohnKimble, hard

Night of the Hunter. Chilling. Especially the knuckle tattoos...

Player #42664076
What about. Thunder Road... Anybody remember that one.?

Player #38908294
amesheep, love Cape fear. Will have to watch the original!

He was in El Dorado with John Wayne and his son was in Big Jake with John Wayne.

Player #30153190
From “Doc44”—he asked my sister Judy, “Where have you been all my life?”😀

good information but how could you leave out his best role ever Cape Fear

Player #19472386
The actor who did not understand his career as an actor.

Player #19472386
A very laid back

Player #1418135, the chin guy

Bruce Springsteen named a song after Thunderroad

Player #18410734
He was so handsome and seemed like he had a kind soft soul. Favorite movie was Heaven Knows Mr. Allison.

Player #12173610, I concur. But what type of salami, I must wonder?

My mom says we're related to him.

Player #14650138
Flashman He was excellent in the "Night OF THE HUNTER"

Player #12763325
he was hot woowee

Player Tystyx
my mother told me when she was a teenager she got in trouble him a letter while he was in jail. For what???? Caught smoking Pot. [1940s]

Don't forget Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison with Deborah Kerr.

I liked his deep voice also, very distinctive.

Player #9322440
amesheep, Anyone remember Thunder Road?

I had the pleasure of meeting and assisting his Son with decorating his home in Central Arizona. When he walked up and spoke to me, my jaw hit the floor. The handsomeness and wonderful voice is genetic. Lovely man!

Player #K
I love Robert Mitchum. Gorgeous, good actor & good sense of humour ❤

thunder road GREAT movie..