What is the name of the phenomenon where light is bent by gravity?
Correct answer: Gravitational lensing

Player #31087163
Player #53553731, if light has no mass why does gravity bend it?

Rachel , heard of photons, but that doesn't mean I know all about them. my major wasn't
science nor space. Now in my 60s, I am more eager, willing, and able to understand. your reference to photons, (in the quanta, dust particles, I think?), let's me know where to do my research. thank you for your very knowledgeable comment.

Photons, which have no mass (where mass is a particle's rest weight in a vacuum), are not affected by gravity directly. Imagine the flat plane of a mattress. This represents spacetime. Place a bowling ball on the mattress and see how the mattress distorts around the ball (which represents a star or planet. A stream of photons, traveling at the speed of light, follows the curve of spacetime around the star or planet, and "bends."

I do wish somebody else will have some Comments to add so that we can understand it more, it's so interesting

Player#3l087163, I would like to know the answer to your interesting question, but I'm afraid the replies you had from Rachel & Ro just made things more unfathomable.

Nigel SP
BrainTek , that's when light passes through a lens or another medium, such as water, and is bent

I did get it correct as the answer is technically in the question. lol

not sure but I was thinking of refraction, it wasn't an answer tho.

amazing app

why it is not refraction of light some one tell me

Olly, I agree 👍

Olly, especially the best thing about 100 stuffs