To the rest of Americans, the term 'Yankee' is used to describe someone from which part of the country?
Correct answer: Northeast

Player #48458
JezzerLX, I think during colonial times the British used this term as an insult to us

I was called a Yankee the whole time I was in Texas and I was from Michigan not really northeast.

I remember my dad saying that in WW2 the expression for brits to say was "yanks, overdressed, overpaid and over ere!"

Player #4250921
And let us not forget those lovable New York Yankees.

ZyggyStardust, I'm from Arkansas. I have always heard. A Yankee can come to visit. If he stays he a damn Yankee.

dolphinmn, to Brits and Canucks, we're all Yanks. And where you're from, everybody else is DAMNyankees.

Derived from "Jan Cheese", referring to the many Dutch dairy farmers in the area, especially around New Amsterdam.

I prefer being called a Cape Codder, although I am oft referred to as a Cape Codger.

Isn't it Strange that
To foreigners, a Yankee is an American.
To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner.
To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner.
To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander.
To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter.
And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.
E.B. White

ZyggyStardust, I'm originally a michigander too ,but picked up southern drawl when I lived down south

Curmudgeon, us true New Englanders..Boston Yankee do not call soda pop..we actually call it tonic

Stevie G’s explanation is terrific! I love how he goes over several different contexts.

Anyone who is from north of the Mason Dixon Line is a Yankee. End of.

Player #58092313
Player #48458,
when I moved from Philadelphia to Myrtle Beach in my highschool days I was an outcast because my best friend was black and I am white. That's been 80yrs and not much has changed.
In our beautiful country this is appealing. .

Colnago CLX
I'm from Alabama, anyone from the north was a yankee.

I'm a Yankee doodle dandy..

Player cowgirl
that was easy

Player #29793410
I'm from Alaska and when I lived in SC that's all I heard, yankee this and yankee that and I'd tell them I'm not a yankee and if they wanted to get down to basics, I can trace my ancestry to NC and I even have a town named after me so who's the yankee?

Player #48458, still do. Players of this game will use "Yank" in a derogatory way.

devijun56, thank you!

hit the wrong button how do you reverse

Player #3069767
NaxosAghiaAnna, I think it was overdressed oversexed and over hete

JezzerLX, *their