Who was the first US President from the Democratic Party?

Correct answer: Andrew Jackson

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What people think about it: 39 Comments
IsabelJade, he had thousands of native americans murdered by marching them 1000s of miles to oklahoma from the east coast so white people could steal their land. look it up
Andrew Jackson wasn't a good person.
Player #3813778
Player #3813778
Player #2693252, Yeah. Then they got to be slaughtered by the white man. The Cherokee who Jackson forced off their ancestral homelands were Christians. They dismantled their church one numbered board at a time, and carried it with them to Oklahoma where it was the first thing they built. They were called one of the 5 civilized tribes. The great Chief Sequoia had developed an alphabet, and every Cherokee was taught to read and write...at a time when 80% of your Europeans were illiterate. You should really study Native American Culture. We have signed some 300 treaties with Native tribes, and broken 299 of them(the other so lopsidedly favoring the white man their was never occasion to break it.).
Player #2426234, unfortunately for your narrative the Republican and Democratic parties flipped platforms after the Civil War. Previously, the Democratic party held similar beliefs to modern Republicans. look it up.
Player #2693252, Humanity knows no time or place. It is always en vogue. Anybody can be evil but it takes exceptional people to act on the side of humanity. We can all can do it but many choose not to. The time in history is not an excuse to act inhuman.
Player #24967408
Player #24967408
Player #12556491, And don't forget that more than 70% of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Bills in the 60's, while over 80% of Democrats voted against them.
truth?as a granddaughter of Choctaw, I wanted his face off our money"
CMooreClits75, history us written by the winners, never forget that
Player #9495659
Player #9495659
Player #3813778, The "white man" has in many ways destroyed the remaining Native Americans. I am a Social worker, who has worked with Native Americans. I am sure their are still many ground and strong N. A., but many truly seem very passive and just do "as they are told. " If I asked one client what she wanted I was always told, "whatever you think." I kept thinking of her proud fighting Soux ancestors. I asked her about her culture and she knew very little. We have Martin Luther King Day, we do not expect Mexicans to learn English, because we translate everything, but what do we do to try to genuinely help the Native Americans?
Juniors Nan
Juniors Nan
Safetyinstars, I dont recall the source . I just read that this is a false narrative. It MIGHT have been Candace Owens who debunked it. I Love Candace!
Given the divisive nature of this political topic, it may be prudent to avoid discussing it.
Player #3813778, Thanks for the info about the church. I always enjoy learning something
I knew it was Old Hickory, because he's been my HERO since I was little and first read about him. We see him everyday on the $20 bill. He removed the paleolithic native population to the other side of the Mississippi as Hunter-Gatherers couldn't coexist with Modern Man. This is anthropological fact.
Player #3813778, the way native Indians were deceived was a stain on our history. It should be a guide for the future so it never happens again.
He was/is the only president who had our national debt paid off in 1835.
Isn't he also the president who said that "killing" the central banking system was a greater accomplishment than becoming president? Tragically, but predictably, that criminal banking cabal took over once again after his death, and has slowly robbed us of 96% of our wealth in taxes and usury.
one of the worst presidents ever
Woman on Fire
Woman on Fire
fliggity10, The Trail of Tears. Such a horrible thing to do that happened in our country to people we owe so much to. If our country ever payed reparations to Native Americans and African Americans it would break the bank or just put the Pentagon out of business. 😂
Perr Bear
Perr Bear
TriviaQueenDude, Nope! HE sure wasn't.
Perr Bear
Perr Bear
fliggity10, "The Trail of Tears" They were of the Cherokee Nation; So now we have an Eastern band and a Western band.
fliggity10, after clearing out The indigenous people he and his partner ended up with 43,000 acres, they then sold for $75-$100 an acre to create new plantations for new white settlers. Another interesting thing about Jackson is he almost murdered Davy Crockett in rejecting slaughtering Native Americans to gain the land. Crockett along with other men who followed him were going to leave Jackson and he said he intended to kill any man that (abandoned/deserted) left, Jackson shot one of the men loyal to Crockett to set an example for any others who would leave therefore Crockett saved his men by staying. He wrote a letter to the President Monroe in hopes he would put a stop to the slaughtering but to no avail. Monroe wanted the territory, I’m uncertain if Monroe ever read the letter or ignored it to claim any innocence from Jackson’s ruthlessness on Monroe’s behalf for victory. Then as President he finished what he started with the Indian Removal Act, creating the Trail of Tears. Jackson was a sociopath.
Jackson will always be a controversial figure. What he did to the Natives is horrendous, no one will deny that. But that seems to be the ONLY bad thing people tend to focus on (which again doesn't absolve him of the act). They don't focus on how he stood up to the Banks and destroyed them, marking the only time the U.S. had a surplus in their budget. Why do you think the Federal Reserve has his face on the 20 dollar bill? They want to sully his legacy by putting his image on the one thing he despised; the Banks. He was not a perfect man, but he was a great president. After his death, the Banks came back in the form of the Federal Reserve.
MysteriousOx78416, it's not correct at all
Safetyinstars, that's very false
Truly a mockery of the way things should be our 7 th President was supposed to be for the “Common Man” but he was poison for this Country!! What he proclaimed to do was have a MEAN SPIRITED campaign to exterminate n Disrespect the true Americans of Native descent the River of tears Campaign should be illuminated in OUR history but alas it’s a mere footnote
TriviaQueenDude, Sadly "good" is very subjective. Julius Caser killed way more people than Jackson, quite cruely, but their are statues and busts of him all over the world.
Player #48694034
Player #48694034
fliggity10, for some reason I can't like your statement,but yes Jackson was a murderer of thousands all for land for his cronies
Player #35252176
Player #35252176
Player #3813778, I need you to understand that the Cherokee was forced In to Christianity
Player #38618593
Player #38618593
Player #3813778, Yes, the Cherokee were the first native people to have a written alphabet, and almost all of them could read.
Player #38618593
Player #38618593
A man with a lot of violence in him, who caused a lot of suffering for others.
Player #11146724, Love on Dinesh D'Sousa! Look him up!
Player #34448817
Player #34448817
fliggity10, history lots of bad things happen , look at what democrates did In Seattle and Oregon this past summer .soon it will be history
Player #34076269
Player #34076269
Obviously let’s just erase history we don’t agree with. Duh. 🙄
Wala, I think you mean the 19th century
Aewul Oanyu
Aewul Oanyu
Player #9495659, our President did sign the Savanna's Act recently. Sad that it's necessary, but happy to see some eyes looking out for Native Americans. I agree that more can and should be done for cultural preservation and celebration. Like all people, they need meaning and purpose to live well. Thank you for serving as a social worker. It's often a thankless job.
Player #29306140
Player #29306140
Uninitialized, maybe because they weren’t the savages white man claimed them to be. It takes a better man to turn the other cheek. Time is not up you may see a change it just won’t be what you expect. Like when God came not to judge the world but to save it. He was not the warrior people wanted he was humble, loving
Safetyinstars, humm? wonder why they flipped.
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
Player OG FOOT, your misreading his comment in the most cynical of ways. Youbrhink it sounds intelligent, but it doesn't. Lincoln was stressing his primary duty as president "to preserve the Union," not to "end the war." Lincoln was an abolitionist who went against the nearly unanimous objections of his cabinet in signing the Emancipation Proclamation. A more telling quote about his thoughts on slaves: "So the law is to be understood that all men are created equal, except the black man. Soon enough we will exclude the Jew, then the Catholic. By then I'd just as soon move to another land--perhaps Russia, where they make no attempt to hide their contempt for the rights of others." Or something like that.