What is the medal awarded by the Army for wounds in combat?
Correct answer: Purple Heart

I would like to point out that it is not just the U.S. Army that receives the Purple Heart, but any member of the United States Armed Services that is injured in the line of duty or in a front line untit during war time is eligible for the Purple Heart, and it is not uncommon for it to be given posthumously. My heart goes out to all the military members and their families that have received this medal.

Greeny Froggy
My dad and my uncle both got one. It’s a shame that some families sell them when the veteran passes away. I’ve seen several for sale (and other medals) at flea markets and swap meets. They all have numbers on the back so they can be traced back to the veteran who recieved it.

My Dad was wounded during WWII, where he served in the USN in the South Pacific. He was sent to a hospital in England and his paperwork was lost somehow. It bothered him sometimes and I tried to get it for him. He died in 2015 and is buried in the Chattanooga National Cemetery. I miss you Dad and I’m proud of you

My Dad received his Purple Heart 💜 while serving in the Army during the Vietnam war. We now have a special display for it along with the flag from his military funeral. I love and miss you Dad! ❤️❤️❤️

Purple Heart medal is nice gesture but veterans deserve more benefits after combat.

Greeny Froggy, There was a gentleman buying the medals and returning them to the families.

indeed..my cousin received one after his plane was shot down..such a good guy

My great grandfather received a purple heart because he served during the war. unfortunately someone in my family stole it. they could have sold it for sure. so sad how people don't value this kind of recognition

sister krystal
Greeny Froggy, that's really sad to sell something that was given to those who fought for the country

Greeny Froggy, I love the fun fact aboit each heart javing a number on the back! My great grandpa got one but I didn't know about the number! That's so cool!

Greeny Froggy, it is sad when people sell things like that but some people sell them to other family members.😊

my uncle got one.

I'm into a chat

Is anyone online?

Stop with the son

Big G
That is the metal of honor. None of the answers were correct.

thanks to your dad who served for us to be free! very proud indeed!

Jwolf2474, George Washington design the medal.

Jesus helps all who ask Him

Laura, red(blood) blue (blood before it hits oxygen).

Okie Redhead
Penny Plant, Unfortunately, not all family members cherish things like that. Makes me very sad that those things don't hold a place of importance to younger generations.

Linda Jo
Jwolf2474, Thank you for pointing that out. Oftentimes, people do not acknowledge that..

that show the cma ??? nice try lol

Player #122453929
be nice if you could see the actual medal

the medal shown here is not the Purple Heart.

I was gonna say the purple heart from the start

what is being shown is NOT the purple heart

God bless and thank you to all of our military members and their families. 🙏

that is not the purple heart

Thank You to all of the troops who fought and continue to fight for all of us!! You are amazing!! GOD BLESS!!

Greeny Froggy, what a shame! They should stay in the family!

I only know this answer cause I watched purple heart movie😭💜

I didn’t even know my step dad had one until after he passed away. 💔

Greeny Froggy, that is sad.

That is the Medal of Honor

the picture shows the Medal of Honor, not the Purple Heart. Out of respect for the military, please get these straight.

Jwolf2474, it literally says military

Medal Of Honor in pic

Greeny Froggy, Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, anyone caught buying or selling a Medal of Honor can face fines and up to a year in prison. Federal law says, if anyone outside the military caught selling 💜can face fines up to $100,000 and a year in jail. A little info for ya☺️

My Dad said that he has seen one