Who is known as the arch enemy of Sherlock Holmes?
Correct answer: Moriarty

Player SQinfoNUTS
crazy about Sherlock Holmes. In the movies I must to reach back to Nigel Bruce as Watson and Basile Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes

Player #118197
tinahoopraj1234, While Sherlock Holmes has been portrayed by many actors, the one l like best is British actor Jeremy Brett's role...it was on PBS. t.v. several years ago.

Player Elf Counsel
Player #118197, I prefer Benedict Cumberbatch. Never saw Jeremy Brett in the role.Know him from other films though.

Robert Downey Jr has also played Sherlock Holmes.

Player Elf Council
UnlicensedImpetus6, He was filming at Elstree Studios when I was working there and collecting autographs for my nephew. He and another actor who I can't recalls insisted I beat across their laps whilst they signed. Hilarious!

Player Elf Council
Davy, Livingston, Oh, yes. I remember him well. Still prefer Benedict.

SJ Zenga is a winner
Just finished watching Sherlock Holmes 1&2 today! This is the second question today regarding Sherlock Holmes. First the street name and now this. 4 days of playing this game and quite curious.

Player #14706931
Randall Stone, rightly so

vishal rocks
Player Elf Counsel, same here

Player #5100533
Player #118197, So sad.... Is that ALL you had to do on Christmas??? 😢

Player #5100533
That question was just " Elementary"...

UnlicensedImpetus6, Freddy Einsford-Hill...On The Street Where You Live

RegretfulHuman68, thanks a lot! Now I can't unsee Jeremy Brett in spandex!

Player Elf Counsel, Jeremy Brett had a role in My Fair Lady. He was the young man completely smitten with Eloza.

Jeremy Brett all the way.

RegretfulHuman68, hey! i didnt know neither lol