What is somnambulism?
Correct answer: Sleepwalking

My husband does this. He's taken apart the fan. When he was putting up tents for a living he always pulled my blanket off and tried to set it up like a tent (he was always looking for the tent poles to get it set up lol). Once at 3:30am he grabbed his keys and headed for the car to go to work. Everytime he goes to the bathroom I have to ask him what he's doing. He gets annoyed, but I need to make sure he's not asleep and heading to work or something. Good thing he talks in his sleep and can hold a conversation lol. When we first got together he talked the blankets off the bed and talked for me to get out of the bed. I got out AMD he layed back down with the blanket. I stood there and asked, "um can I get back in the bed?" (I thought the was a spider or something). That's when I told him what he did and ge said, "Oh, ya, I do that sometimes." It's weird, but I love him lol.

I only did this once, and it was very frightening. My heart goes out to anyone who has to live with this.

Slightly off topic, but this question only had three possible responses. I wonder what would happen if you chose the 50/50 hint? Would it drop two out and only leave the correct answer? I wonder...

Beverley Australia
I once sleep walked. My ex husband use to abuse me belting me up
My brothers came to take me back with three kids
The night before I left my brothers where there
I sleep walked got a broom and bashed the heck out of him
He was going to call the police my brothers said no she sleep walks
She did it in her sleep we testify to that.
Revenge. Karma in my sleep the kids and I left that morning
Never to return.

Gruntled Penguin
my younger brother used to sleepwalk and talk as a youngster. The incident I remember most clearly was when he was about five years old. He got out of bed, lit the hall light, walked down the hall, down the stairs and into the kitchen. He opened the kitchen closet door where the garbage pail was kept. Our mother had heard him, and when he went into the kitchen instead of the bathroom, she got up to check on him. She asked what he was doing and he looked up at her, yardstick in hand, and said he was fishing.

sometimes , I sleep walk and talk! once, I came to my parent's bedroom and told them I was building a ship! weird things happen …

Player #8564096
I used to sleep walk and get ready for school in the middle of the night. One time I washed my hair and left all the lather in it, put on my mums shirt & shoes, and stood at the end of the driveway waiting for the bus at 3am.

adams101313, I once sleep walked off an overnight sleeper train travelling from Rome to Paris. I woke up in a small station SOMEWHERE in Europe at 3am with only my pajama shorts and vest and bear footed! And there wasn’t a train in sight! Lol

"half an hour minutes"...

My grandson used to sleep walk and actually pooped on the kitchen floor while he was still asleep. Thankfully it wasn't at my house! LOL

Beardo Jo And Zoey Trent Alejandro Amy Scott Leshawna and 1971 bye bye buey buey and dave

Eleni, loli sleep

My little boy has always sleepwalked, but only about once a year. Usually it's to the couch to finish sleeping, but every once in a while we find him trying to open the triple-locked front door, shouting at me in his sleep that I "stole his spot" or emptying out the ENTIRE fridge onto his bed and eating everything! 😂

Cat Mom
This question has caused so many good stories that I can't stop reading!

Cat Mom
Zettiespagetti #4387, Really? Good idea!

Cat Mom
CRISPY TOT, Weird name for a song

Cat Mom
arely, Who's socks & underwear did you bring to your bed?

Cat Mom
DRon, Cool lol, thanks for info

Cat Mom
Eleni, WOW!

Cat Mom
HazelTwigg, very good question! We'll have to try it lol

Cat Mom
What is half an hour minutes?

Player #130998363
I guess a lot of people have these incidents at 3am

Eleni, omg how terrifying

Player #89643615
Beverley Australia, Good for you

Once when I was of dating age, I dreamt that my love was in a car accident and I pulled off all the trim on my bedroom window to get to him. The next day my mom handed me a hammer. I am still a walker and talker in my 70’s. Lol

I'm a sleep walker. Mostly I stare at walls (I can see secret garden) or I chase butterflies or orbs) and go back to sleep. Last year I went out my bedroom window at 3am...broke both of my legs and cracked my skull...lucky to be alive. it's scary!

My brother and I shared a room when we were in high school. One night, he had too much to drink and went to bed early. But, he got in my bed by mistake. My mother and I were sitting on the couch watching tv. Randy comes of our room and right instead of left headed to the bathroom (we found that out in just a minute). Went to the carport door which was standing open. He closed the (thinking he was opening the bathroom door
He went into the closet and urinated in dad's boot. Then he opened the front door again, went back to our room and got back in my room bed. Mom and were just staring with open mouths.

HazelTwigg, the 50/50 wasn't available for this question, I tried it just to see 😏

HazelTwigg, FFT 🤔

Player #114775093
LionTheKing0987, really

this last Friday, I was doing the same

I used to sleep walk when I was a teenager (for years). I have a trauma with other people foot and socks, can't stand them or touch them. When I used to sleep walk I used to bring to my bed socks and underwear, people who saw me always said I look wasted but pretty obedient though. I managed to get up and down my bunk bed with no problem and have conversations too.

HazelTwigg, Oohh you’ve just reminded me we have hints, I’ve never used them only right or wrong lol

HazelTwigg, what a qood wonder...

adams101313, unconditional love

My oldest son had night terrors when he was 3 years old for about 2 years. he would sit up in bed and call out some sort of babbling. I was afraid to wake him up because I had heard all kinds of stories. so I would talk softly to him and carry him to the bathroom where I would wash his face with a cool cloth. this woke him up slowly and he was always confused about where he was. fortunately he grew out of that but to this day, he is a very poor sleeper. he wakes at the slightest sound.
over the past 3 or4 years I have started to sleep talk. I usually wake up because of it but I have to finish my sentence even though I'm awake. my husband says nothing I say makes any sense to him but I know I've been in a detailed discussion with someone. Lol.
I just put it down to old age.

There's a beautiful opera, 'La sonnambula', if anyone's interested.

Tina M.
I wish people would proofread their text messages before posting them. I don't mind some mistakes, but sometimes it's time consuming to figure out the really bad ones.

Asma khatun
beautiful question... love this game..,👍🏻

my mom had that,though they had no official name at the time. she walk to the store one night in west Seattle in her pj's to buy seafood salad. she woke up eating it in the store. we had to put alarms on the doors because it was dangerous. she would also start cooking breakfast and go back to bed leaving everything on and out. I miss her everyday.