In the nursery rhyme "Itsy Bitsy Spider", what did the spider climb up?
Correct answer: Waterspout

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Also known as "Incy-Wincy Spider" in other parts of the world.

Hans, don't sweat the small stuff.Jeez.

Cat Mom
I can just hear it now.. The blooming bloody spider.. LOL

I sang this with my mom and my kids sang it with me. The hand movements are a must. I never thought of it as a reflection on life cycles.

Always trying to keep wasp off my deck. I've seen a small spider attack one as it flew by it. They fell into a plant & only saw the wasp come out.

Me singing the song in my headπ

And down came the rain and wash the spider out!π¨

Hans, it was always the water spout here.

down came the rain

Jasmine <3
so easyy

The foursome
I got this one right ππππ

One of my favorite for myself great gran kids and great gran kids!

cute spider

No respectable grandpa would ever forget that nursery rhymes π

i also sang this nursery rhyme when i was a kid

This was one of the first nursery rhymes heard over and over. I learned a lot of nursery rhymes from my mom.

That CΓΈunt, Ray Bumpkin, we all no so carry along

Cat Mom
Hans, How about if more people from more countries submitted questions? I bet it would even things out if more nationalities got involved with more than just playing the game

Cat Mom
Sianikins, There are complainers in more questions than not!

Amy x
childhood right there π