What is Misophonia?
Correct answer: Negative reactions to specific sounds

ive had a problem with hearing other people eat for as long as i can remember. Its awful. makes me so angry. totally irrational.

Player #4052010,
I have it when I hear my mother in law speak.

I have it. It's not fun.

My heart goes out to all of you who suffer from this.

I have this... i just thought i had sensitive hearing! Its horrible

Sharonius1, I can't stand to hear people chew gum. makes me almost homicidal. Or people who "yap" their food.

Ive had it for most of my life. So glad more people are learning about it.

I suffer with this on a severe level.... its very distressing

I have this and it drives me crazy. I have to walk out of rooms or turn music up

I had a boyfriend who could not stand the sound of someone chewing chips or ice. If I got mad at him I would chew ice rather than agrue with him so he would leave. LOL!

ClarksvilleSith2018, hahahahaha

ClarksvilleSith2018 - i feel your pain for real lol

I ❤️ this game because I learn so much...

Ooma, what? 10 comments?

popping gum. as a child, my mom had a problem with it...and I popped gum all the time...now, the sound drives me crazy...

Player #92723922
Unbearable to me is the sound of very dry things: Styrofoam, markers drawing on paper, etc.

Wifey, I can’t stand to listen to two different types of noise at the same time. It really makes me angry.

No fun!

I might have this 😂 i feel like i can kill you if you chew in front of me 😭

Player #120374466
Rock music in general has that negitive effect on me. It's played in public 24/7 and at a loud level. I miss the old days of easy listening non rock background music.

A horrible condition. Barking Dogs, revving cars, shoes on floorboards, unanswered telephones, the list goes on.

Jackie , have you ever been tested for Lyme Disease and Bartonellosis?

Wifey, me too!

adams101313, have u talked to your Dr about it you could have an anxiety disorder that could be helped with talking to someone or even being on meds there is nothing wrong with either of those two things it shows how strong a person you are to get the help you need. you need this for yourself and your family. I pray you find the help you need

RISSER11, its also a symptom of fibromyalgia and after 40 years of seeing a shrink i havent found any help. I have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, bipolar 1 and PTSD and faux dementia- caused by stress. I do mindfulness breathing and hypnosis and regular hypnosis. so far no relief.

Ααουα!, it can be a symptom of fibromyalgia

Larissa, it can be a symptom of fibromyalgia

Alijandria, it's also a symptom of fibromyalgia

ashlee, its also a symptom of fibromyalgia

Gavin , it can be a symptom of fibromyalgia

Mareballs, it is a symptom of fibromyalgia (ask me how I know)

Wifey, I think this is a problem dogs don't have.

Wifey, both of my sons have this. Though, unlike you, neither will admit it. If I sniffle more than two times, they get so mad. Whereas, I can block out anything. 😉

I know this answer cause I have Misophonia!! It's horrible!!

Ryan, Now I know why my daughter hates it when I whistle to music

I have this, only learned it was a real thing less than a decade ago. I always assumed it was because I was deaf as a child.

Player #96105947
Sue, yes but this is on the level of: people gulping loudly in sports drink commercials will leave me shaking with rage.

Gavin , you don't understand. I have it and so do most of my siblings. we actually have to leave the room if it is recurring. My youngest brother could not eat with his stepson due to open mouth chewing. My husband and MIL were so bad I lost weight and ate mostly at my computer. it is irrational and I have suffer through many a meal when someone is sloppy about eating habits.

I have this also. I hate whistling and sends me to anger. Also chewing loudly and visual things like tapping fingers constantly. That’s just the tip of the iceberg

I wouldn't call this a disorder. We all have sounds we don't like to hear, tastes we don't like, sights we don't like, smells we don't like and things we don't like the feel of.