What or whom did the women take from the destroyed Weinsberg in 1140 with the permission of King Konrad III?
Correct answer: Their husbands

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
I'd be a gonner! No hope of my wife carrying me.

I guess if you did not like your husband very much this would be easier than divorce! “Sorry honey, I am gonna take the silver instead!”

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
strong women, carrying their husbund??

Very interesting information!

Hoyt McCaul
only a German girl could carry her fella without breaking a sweat. ;)

According to my Ancestry, many of my ancestors came from this precise area in Germany. This accounts for over 50 % of my DNA.

Nice to learn about positive acts like this.

Bit confused about how the town could have been founded around 1200 if this incident happened in 1140…..maybe a typo and it was 1100? But fascinating story!

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, hahaha

yaba data dooo today the ladies will say no way I'm carrying that ashore.

Lionessa, that's soo Funny, had to tell my niece what u said!! LOL

BiblYoFeelYak, u go, girl!! Like they say, it's cheaper than a divorce!!

Lee, That's too Funny!! :)

Hoyt McCaul, My Scottish wife would carry me!

I have ancestry in that region. And I Used to be Very Strong. Bad marriage tho, I'd have left him behind‼️

Calabtangan' Boyoyong, Not new lol

Souljah Gal
Cizinka, Great Caring Strong Loyal Wives

Souljah Gal
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, hehehehe she'll probably throw you over her back like a sack of spuds(Potatoes)

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, I would have to leave mine, also!

Josh Zissou
Grew up in Heilbronn as an “army brat” where my father was chief medical officer

Fascinating question and piece of our Western history. But an expert level question.

Lionessa, I look back on who I would chose to keep if I had to make a choice. My dog would go with me.

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, ha ha ha ha

at least they took their husbands over the jewelry

Anxiety Salsa
I wish this had been worded differently, I knew this story but for some reason I thought it meant they were taking somebody else's husband

Player #137846770
These women were tough. They had babies in the field,cleaned up and then made dinner,and made love to the old man that same night. I have no idea but it sounded right.


That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin,

If it came down to the man or the dog...who would I carry off? Let's see. Who is completely faithful, never lies or cheats, never tells his buddies about that weird mole or uneven breasts, wants to be together 24/7, and is ALWAYS happy to see me? And who lies, cheats, keeps secrets, runs his mouth, then lies some more?
COME SOPHIE! Go for a ride in the car!

Mars V, how did they do that?

Calabtangan' Boyoyong, yes. it's an historical fact. live with it

Brave women!!!

Player #120374466
Something the womens husbands should always be greatful for the rest of their lives.

Player #120374466
Lee, There was no divorce in those days, at least for women

that's interesting 🤔☺️

Player #33497296
Clever response to a kind offer and an honorable king.