How did Medusa become the snake-haired monster we know today?
Correct answer: Athena cursed her

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
This is cheesy but there was a fourth: Gorgonzola

Dang, and I thought sisters/women were supposed to have one another's back. Why curse Medusa bcuz of sm Man's failure?

Fifi Sam
And that is the world we live in. Powerful people, especially men, cause troubles, but it’s the ordinary people who suffer for it. Why wasn’t Poseidon also punished? After all, he was the rapist!😱

Yvonne, because it was written by men!

And persius used the eyes of medusa to kill a monster

It had to be a man's blame..

A woman being punished for a man’s actions…

Greek mythology is brilliant I loved the book Circe, can’t remember the woman’s name that wrote it but from Circes point of view it’s an amazing read and brings to light how flawed men’s opinions of women were in the ancient world unfortunately it’s still something chauvinistic men and women still practice today, Athena was one frightening deity and once you annoyed her you paid the price!

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, cheesy indeed!! Funny guy🤣

That wud make a great movie if they haven’t done one already!!

Souljah Gal
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, Cheesy oh my Gourd

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, yes that was cheesy and awesome!

women can be evil

J, Madeline Miller, the author of Circe. In Homer’s Odyssey, she is quite a ‘mean girl’ whoever crossed her, was transformed into an animal.

Hercules is a good guy

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, Please explain