What is a female horse over 5 years old called?
Correct answer: Mare
Player SQinfoNUTS
ChargingEnigma1592, it does seem a little was left out here. I'm left with the impression that a female horse between the ages of 4 to 5 may not actually be a horse at all.
Player SQinfoNUTS, It's pretty simple. 1) they are all "horses", 2) males not gelded are "stallions", 3) males gelded are "geldings", 4) females under 5 years are a "filly", 5) females 5 & older are a "mare", 6) males under a year are often called a "colt". Anyway, that's my humble understanding.
Question wasn't clear enough. Didn't say a mare who breeds or not. Technically both mare and brood mare should be correct
Player #165975, Actually in racing, the term "horse" as opposed to "mare" or "gelding" is used to depict a male horse that is "intact".
Player #189367
Player #165975, so a female over 5 can b a broodmare?
As a general rule, horses with the exception to some breeds mature or stop growing at age 5. Fillies are basically young female horses who are still developing. Mares are developed female horses, but not necessarily bred. Broodmares are mares used for the sole purpose of breeding. A nag is an older mare past breeding age. Again, not necessarily used in breeding.
I don't know if anyone noticed, but that is a picture of a gelding or stallion; not a female horse. I just found it funny.
Sunshine Dreema
Michelle, actually geldings have had "the snip" and stallions are "intact"!!!!
Player #4355392
Player #2604682, hybrids sre sterile and cant breed. mules are hybrids.
Sunshine Dreema, geldings haven't had 'the snip', they've had their testicles removed. Stallions are classed as entire.
ChampionNymph37634, thanks for the info. My real question is are there any other animals that we differentiate this much depending on breeding??? Kinda weird.
ChampionNymph37634, You forgot to include “foal” as a baby horse of undetermined sex.
Player SQinfoNUTS, I was thinking exactly the same thing! hehe
What about a mustang?
Cha Cha
ImmuneVictory3, 👍
Player #29226304
correct me if I'm wrong but, a horse at age five is not a mare until it has had a foal. it is still a filly. a broodmares is one used for breeding purposes only.
Player Flamenco girl
Michelle, in none racing terms a mare relates to female horses over the age of 3
Player Flamenco girl
rsgf01313, yes. a mare actually relates to any female horse past the age of a filly
Player #8258475
Michelle, In the Uk - in the flat races for young 2 and 3 year olds they race as colts and fillies. Then you have the mares and geldings.
rsgf01313, only if she's actually having foals regularly.
Player #2604682
Player #165975, correct, also a female mule cannot breed.
Female mules are a crossbreed of the standard horse and the donkey, therefore the female mule is considered a mare.
Player #2707764
ottoknut, duh? Not good at math eh?
Player #165975
female mules are not mares.
the term horse is generic for the equine. Only a man would say a horse is usually a male.