As of 2022, what is the world's longest cave system?
Correct answer: Mammoth–Flint Ridge Cave System, U.S.A

Been there, twice! Amazing natural beauty! Go and see!

Went to Mammoth Cave for my Senior class trip in 1956.

Player #4547841
Incredible! I would like to explore those some day! I think there's a better chance I'll hike to the north pole though but maybe in another life!

Player #93460997
Spiders bats and snakes ?

Player #75914365
I am very fast because I know if this is a big letter so I pressed it then it says correct

So the length isn't natural John Wilcox had them connected. Americans are so egotistical always claiming to have the tallest or the biggest or the longest.

didn't know

Tara Ditto
Player #4547841, " . . . than I hiking. . ." But, I would for the lot of you, ditto.