What is the Heimlich maneuver?
Correct answer: First aid procedure using abdominal thrusts

There is no chance of breaking ribs if this procedure is done correctly! Hand placement is ABOVE the navel, BELOW the sternum. Abdominal thrusts are done if patient loses consciousness not chest compressions. I'm a retired paramedic and this technique works great!

I know this works! I was choking on a piece of meat and my husband asked me if I wanted him to do it. I had just enough sense left to nod yes, so he got behind me and did it... out popped the meat, flew across the room. Big relief and big breath of air! I am so grateful to Dr Heimlich.

Those of you in the States interested in teaching the Heimlich to groups go to Heimlichheroes.com for a great resource in dolls and materials. This is a nonprofit reaching out to teach children and adults.

It's pretty cool that they included instructions in the answer. My baby sister at 5 did the heimlich on my mom and saved her life. Most places that teach CPR and first aid will teach kids.

Laudy Miss Claudy
kevadams1964, If the patient is unconscious then lay him down on his back and continue the abdominal thrusts from the front. The goal of the Heimlich maneuver is to push the last bit of remaining air out of the lungs to expel the foreign body in the trachea. Chest compressions are used to compress the heart muscle and circulate blood throughout the body.

If done correctly, abdominal thrusts (as they are now called), are done under the ribs starting at the navel and pushing upward. No ribs should be broken! In CPR, ribs are often broken if done correctly. The rules must have changed between North America and the UK

sorry but you both are incorrect. back blows between the shouler blades is for infants and you alternate that with chest thrusts. With adults its abdominal thrusts from behind the patient. Once then patient is unconscious you perform chest compressions. I suggest taking a cpr class to learn the correct procedure.

In the uk it is no longer reccommende to use abdonimal thrusts due to the risk of breaking the ribs however if the back slaps dont work then in an emergency situation it is best to do so. Took my 5th first aid class just last month!!

kevadams1964, i believe the Marine Corps taught me correctly, just how mentioned

Player Raving Lu
Rawlo772, As a retired emergency medical technician paramedic 2 with twenty years experience in preclinical emergency medicine I need to see some strong and reliable data and evidence from multiple sources that the risks of the Heimlich manuever outweigh the benefits of the Heimlich manuever. I am aware of extremely fee cases i which performing the Heimlich manuever caused any injury or harm. I am aware of an extremely large number of cases i which performing the Heimlich manuever saved lives.

Tbellabella, I agree I've had to do this for my daughter once my son twice and my cousins baby it's scary but when it's a child it's more scary

Anibear315, yeah, to get the instructions right from the game is great. This game is a good help with learning while playing!!!

VorpalWillow4707, you’ll want cpr pretty quick once they’ve lost consciousness. They’ll be going into respiratory arrest

Tbellabella, Thankyou.

Not a German position in the Kama sutra

Minnie Rice, 💜

kevadams1964, smart ❤️

VorpalWillow4707, this is not used in australia

this is my field, I am a first-aid worker/volunteer from Red cross Cameroon

I wonder how painful the test runs were

Now, if the infamous Heimlich maneover was actually a German military tactic, let's say, like in May of 1940, during the early years and months of the Second World War, the entire German Wehrmacht would have already gotten through the remaining British (the BEF) and French Army defensive lines over at the French coastal cities of both Calais and Dunkirk (Dunkerque, in French) and the entire seaside miracle military evacuation of both Britain and France, dubbed Operation Dynamo, would not have been successful So, instead, the infamous Heimlich maneover is actually a type of medicinal first aid in which one can complete restore a choking person's air ways by using abdominal thrusts, as it was first demonstrated by a small boy to save his elementary school age classmate, a little girl, at his elementary school during the 1980s onwards. Yes, truly a life saver!

policy wonk, I wonder why?

The Chaser, God bless her that is awesome.

Shark Asylum 1962, Great information thanks.

Shark Asylum 1962, Thanks for the information.

Player Raving Lu, Thanks for the great information.

Player Raving Lu, Wow... that definitely is good to know... thank you.

Tbellabella, So scary!!! This isn't choking situation but my daughter had febrile seizures for birth to almost 5 years old and would sometimes turn blue... so scary. I can't thank God enough for saving her. Now she is 32 years old and her 1st baby is 9 months old and is the cutest little boy ever.

Minnie Rice, She definitely was in the right place at the right time... thank God for her.

Nikki-D92, That is awesome.

Player Raving Lu, I agree with you.

Anibear315, Wow!!! That is so awesome... God always works in amazing ways and your little sister is such a brave and wonderful hero. God bless you all and everyone.

StrongTroglodyte6878, That is great information thanks a bunch.

VorpalWillow4707, Thanks for great information.

In the UK, this technique is not allowed to be called the 'heimlich' ....it is simply called stomach thrusts

Can you please give us lives

Anibear315, *15?

The Chaser
My Grandma saved a lady’s life by using this!

that waskinda easy

Laudy Miss Claudy, Chest compressions are used to work both Heart and Lungs. if you do abdominal thirst whilst someone on the floor you risk forcing stomach contents up oesophagus and down trachea.