What is neuroplasticity?
Correct answer: Capacity of the brain to change and rewire itself

Chris RN
So we’ve learned that old dogs can, absolutely, be taught new tricks.

This is how children who've had radical brain surgery, like hemispherectomy, learn to speak and walk and function again. It's pretty close to miraculous.

Nov-24-97 I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI) due to a High Voltage electrical shock, and the Drs, told my wife that it would be at least 6-8 months before I could talk or have any memory. Being Left handed my brain is wired a little different than others but I woke up 30 hours after the accident Talking & 19 days walked out of the hospital.

Jacqueline Sellers
I believe this happens with stroke victims as well !! I know because I am one !!

My daughter had 6 ounces of her right temporal lobe removed due to seizures, and the doctor told her “you know the brain can relearn seizures” I was floored and thought why would a doctor tell a patient this and introduce negativity! She is 54, and still has seizures!

Did you know that scientists don't understand why we age because our bodies were made to regenerate.

Me just picking the longest answer and l got it right

wildarbennett , That is amazing. I have a friend who got electrocuted while putting up an outdoor antenna. He was in college at the time, it was the 1970s. He was in a coma for a month, but medicine was relatively primitive back then, and they didn't exercise his arms and legs daily. His muscles shortened during this time. He had serious problems regaining his speech. I'm glad you could benefit from the much-improved treatment of today.

Chris RN, o definitely we always learning and never stopped just that we don't know it

Miha , unknown 🥷
I have a dream that one-day one time I will become the most famous sciencentis in the world and be in the lineage of Isac Newton and Albert

I’m going to send this to my Neurologist tomorrow morning and see what he has to say 💁

Just look at the word. Having a PhD in Biological Science doesn't hurt either.

Alpo, it’s all about telomeres bro. The ends of the chromosomes wear down over time. Once they are worn down to nothing, you die. Trying to fix that. Can repair the telomeres a little using a hyperbolic chamber. They are working on immortality, bro. We’re getting there. Sadly probably won’t be there in our lifetimes though :c/

nope not a plastic brain folks

Wow That's awesome 👍

polly waffle
Jacqueline Sellers, me too, plus traumatic brain injury due to car accidents, domestic violence etc

polly waffle
learnt about neuroplasticity in our brain injury group

Therese, doctors usually present the worst scenario. And hope for a better outcome .I am sorry she is now 54 and has seizures until now x

Jacqueline Sellers, it does AND what hope for others this will be ( my BP has been at stroke level since ...not sure ,:-(

wildarbennett , Congratulations 🎊 👏 what an inspiring story x ty 4 sharing your tale

Alpo, You're right, the cells of our bodies constantly regenerate. Scientists are searching for the mechanism that triggers the process of regeneration to slow down, and over time, fail. Replacement cells gradually become imperfect, function slows, the mitochondria dies, the cell dies, and that is aging. Maybe someone here will become a research scientist, figure it out, and live forever.

yes I don't know what to say thank you🙏 for the first time do you tell

mother angel 😇❤️
Amaja Lluhani, everybody's Brain is not that smart God has given same brain

riya and pia
I don't no this

Legend ''AKT''
Bhai Kya hai ye .
Did you understood it.
Ans- Indian Language

my brain is smart ahahah but im not calling my self a nerd ok chill out pls...

Pretty tough for me at first 🙄🙄🙄pretty much close to miraculous😀😀😀