Which 1991 number one song in the U.S. and UK has the line: "All my pictures seem to fade to black and white"?
Correct answer: Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me

Elton John...what a talent! I especially loved this song as a duet with George Michael.

Player #4994754, It states that it was originally recorded in 1974, by Elton John.

Incredibly talented and trained classical pianist who took it to a modern focus with BT.

Loved that song as a teen.

toothless beachrat
constantgamer0421, I tried thinking about which song had the latest release date. interesting that it reached top hit status after 17 years...

Elton and Bernie are the stuff!

toe jam
l like the duet with Elton John and George Michael.

Player #4755540
That song was not from 1991.