Who Was Natasha Fatale?
Correct answer: A spy on the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show

And here, for all these years, I thought she and Boris Badinoff were married! I guess not.
I work with a theatre company, and whenever we need to do a comic (read "bad") fake-Russian accent, you can hear people muttering "First, ve keel moose and skvirrel" to get into it.

Loved this show!

Memory Lane
I named my daughter after her, I loved that show as a kid.

Player #7106191, not so subtle adult poltical satire, even as a little kid i"got"it.

Player #21035860
ChampionNymph37634, my favorite part of that show was Fractured Fairytails

I was a real fan of (the Moose *Bulwinkle)& the flying squrl Rocky) who tried to keep him out of trouble. that Roaring Lion(rabbit) Ha ha! good job.

They don't make cartoons like this anymore 😕 .

Player #92723922
Natasha Nogoodnik and Boris Badinioff? Funny!

WeirdStar96251, snidely whiplash?

Player. Ty, Growing up during the Cold War, Rocky & Bullwinkle made me feel less afraid. If the Soviets were as goofy as us.....

Loved this show. Knew this answer but forgot

Memory Lane, please tell me her name is Natasha

B Dog
I never in my life heard her referred to as anything but Natasha Nogoodnik, but I can take scoring a wrong answer every once in a while lol

i remember the song they sang once a satire of course "a pretty girl is like a malady"😍

TheJanith, LOL!!! 😁

for a long time my favorite t-shirt was "Spies on vacation" with Natasha and Boris!

Player. Ty
That Cartoon wasn't meant for children! Great Cartoon, Very good Movie😎

Natasha Falale + Boris WASN'T she on the Doudle DoRight Royal Canadan Mounted Police Cartoon too?

Got this one right because there was a Rocky & Bullwinkle question when I was playing this game yesterday.

Player #9914179
hey rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat ! oh Bullwinkle.

I almost picked mati hair before I found the Bullwinkle answer!! heeheehee

Ohhh! Boris.