What is the only ship still commissioned by the US Navy that is held captive by a foreign power?
Correct answer: USS Pueblo

HyperViper5789, In what world do you live in? The Navy doesn't just send SEAL teams into combat situations for no reason. And that's essentially what this would be. It's a research vessel from the 1960's, so outdated and inferior to modern craft we'd likely decommission it anyway. That's the best case scenario here. The more likely scenario is that we spark a major military confrontation (if not actual conflict) with the largest military in the world (in terms of personnel) over ship which is utterly useless to us and possibly not even capable of voyaging anymore. To be honest though, what's really galling is the notion of risking and potentially sacrificing military personnel over something which has no value to us whatsoever. There's a reason why the Navy hasn't done this: it makes no sense. There is no upside. Let the North Koreans have their museum, the US military has actual important things to do.

I'd never heard of the Pueblo Affair until this question. Fascinating!

SharingCity, there's no need to put lives in danger for pride.

Player #18405414
I love the game , but wish people would use leave their Trump Derangement Syndrome out of the comments. There are other more appropriate venues for expressing political views.

Tannar33, why do think its still there? Because our government doesn't want to endanger more soldiers for an obsolete ship.

Could send North Korea a invoice. Lol North Korea is a total danger to the world.

Player #118357
snajr, You don't get it. The whole point of a Seal team is to PREVENT casualties and loss of life.

:(Nancy E):
dextermilo106, my Dad was in the Navy when the Pueblo was captured. His ship was sent to get the crew, I don’t know by what means. Their ship was rammed by a Russian ship, this was a great embarrassment to our country and many men discredited and humiliated in our Navy over the incident. That ship provided technology of the day to the Russians via North Korea.

Player Highness
why didn't we learn this in school

Choose your battles. Good choice.

crazyeagledenny, thank you. we don't need ever 17 year old kid second guessing military decision s.

Lionessa, player 129810510 ,nice ciphering there

Player #7432266, when the ship’s crew was photographed at his “confession”, they all gave the camera “the finger”, claiming to their captors it was a good symbol. So much for his confession!

Player #137846770
Perfect venue for professing political views. To each his own my friend

Olivia, what, then we gave it back to NK? It is still there! Try reading the answer and explanation.

Player #129810510, We keep electing politicians who keep on spending money borrowed from China, money that only exists on paper. Trillions of dollars. No one can conceive a trillion. If we started paying back the national debt at $1 per second, every second, around the clock, it would take 31, 688 YEARS to pay 1 Trillion dollars. The National debt now stands at around 37 Trillion...

Mellow Mind
Player #18405414, practice what you preach

Ysee la fee
What about the crew?

Player #130998363
What happened to the sailors?

Player #129810510
Player Highness, because we keep electing politicians who prefer to spend money on defense over education.

Player #127419836
Player Highness, because we only get to WW2 in history class

Swampy Acres, I was in grade school when this happened. I have no memory of it. Have you tried to teach history to young kids, probably not. I have. The best we can do is give them an overview of the past and important recent events.
They get more in Middle school and High school but it is college before they really absorb it.

SweetPopi, They were picked up by American troops after this happened.

carolynparham60, isn't that what he said?

AwesomeAnnie7, I lived thru the incident

hvnfun, Delta was formed in 1977

Olivia, can’t be…two different years…the men from the USS Pueblo were in the states December 1968 before Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in July 1969, the same year my baby brother was born.

the crew of the USS Pueblo returned to San Diego on the day Armstrong walked on the moon

Tommy Old Man
AwesomeAnnie7, AA7

Player #73957527
This was news to me even though I got it right. Very interesting!!

jim, I was also wondering the same thing

Player #18405414, you're the one who brought up a politician

Swampy Acres
Player Highness, Public schools don't teach anything useful in regards to our history. That usually why we are doomed to repeat it.

what happened to the crew?

Tur D’furgeson, what tourists?

Player #46453812
This question leads to controversy. Where is the historical facts of being in North Korea's sea bounty? What happen to the naval crew? I remember when this happened. I saw on TV impatiently waiting on Star Trek, on a Friday afternoon.
Shame on the research team for not providing ALL of information. Think of another way to stir up debate.

Player #35387966
I was on active duty in the army when this occurred. I really wanted our government to send our Delta Force to retrieve our Navy ship. Our state department decided not to take any action because we were able to bring all of personnel home.

Player #38618593
I wonder if North Koreans tour the ship to imagine having a decent place to sleep and meals provided.

Tannar33, but, whatever became of the crew?

Orville Parker Gildock
AwesomeAnnie7, I have but never knew exactly what it was. surprising.