Who assumed the office of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on July 13, 2016?
Correct answer: Theresa May
And she is an absolute embarrassment to our country...
Answers to this question need to be updated and some of them are quite spiteful.
Player #2220234, nah, course not!!
IncredibleFish36409, what would you prefer a labour government!!?
Player #25874027
The Mighty G,
Every politician since the 1980s have not been standing on the shoulders of giants , they have been lurking under the ground of pigmies
The Mighty G
IncredibleFish36409, the embarrassment is David Cameron for walking out and also Jeremy Corbin
If you offered him the stars he would want the moon.
Player #2220234
, What a load of crap, I’m (very) working class and have never scrubbed around in any gutter.