Bees are not present in which continent?
Correct answer: Antarctica

Player #55741825
Bees in the United Kingdom are very partial to blue flowers and thrive on them and gardeners will plant blue flowers to attract bees to pollinate fruit and vegetables and encourage hives’s for honey,English lavender produces exceptionally good honey and other native flowers/fruits

Player #55741825, wow, that’s interesting to know … i’ll have to check that in the US because I was thinking red, but I think the red flowers are mostly attracting hummingbirds so now we gotta see what flowers attract bees cause I do like to plant things for the butterflies, bees and hummingbirds

I have an ornamental cactus garden in my front yard in Florida!
They bloom about every 3 months or so, for about 7-10 days at a time!
I've been able to count at least five different species of bees that thrive on the flowers!
When they are not flowering, I have multiple other plants that flower in between, including several year around flowers!
I love the bees!

biodiversity is being destroyed by pesticides and herbicides. without biodiversity, nothing much can survive. keep planting as much ground as you can. barren soil doesn't use carbon dioxide plants do. this helps reverse global warming. Honey is a super food and a very tasty one at that.

there are many bees also in the phils.coz its flowering plants also abundant

Obviously it Antarctica because it’s really cold and they wouldn’t survive inside there it’s even cold for humans and they can’t survive in there to

LillySparrow, I agree we need nature and we need to provide instead of pollute. I love raw all natural honey.

Player #55741825, That is awesome!

They only live in hot 🥵 places

I don't get it

Common Sense 😉