If you went to the drugstore to buy acetylsalicylic acid, what common drug would you purchase?
Correct answer: Aspirin

It originally came from the bark of the willow tree and was used by many native tribes.

crismeng, correct. Modern aspirin is manufactured using 5 ingredients. An analgesic is added to control absorption, and a buffer is added to keep the acid from harming human tissue. In 1983, I automated the manufacture of Bayer aspirin for Johnson and Johnson, in Trenton, NJ. Before then, aspirin was cooked by hand in huge vats. Most of the manufacturing staff at the time had been working there for 30-40 years and retirement was looking for many. J&J was panicking because of this impending loss and needed to modernize the process because these people were difficult to replace.

I have taken 1 aspirin every morning for the past 30 years

Player #12835622
Drug store is such a hilarious name for a pharmacy

Litz, Nah we Aussies call them Chemists..lol

Originally derived from Willow bark

I once OD'd on baby aspirin when I was 2. The hospital made me vomit and kept me overnight for observation.

Litz, of course. every country has its own terms and names for things that are different from ours and different from yours also.

Litz, And your point is ...?

"Get me my acetylsalicylic acid, A-Hole", nah doesn't work so well Jesse.

Centenarian, any side effects?

I thought that was a oil to put in ap ap( in the phillipines word)