Who was the daughter of Anne Boleyn?
Correct answer: Queen Elizabeth I

So sad and barbaric that Anne was beheaded on false accusations. This whole story is sad but needs to be told.

tressjflanigen0528, no, the things they blamed her for were really ridiculous like incest with her brother George and poet musician Mark Smeatton. Annes life was short but not sweet. it was so difficult to be a women back then. a lot of them died in childbirth and were used like cattle to settle wars and establish peace if one was born into the nobility or worse, a royal, you had no life. your goal and only goal as a women back then was to produce an heir.

missy189, i totally agree. when i went to London in 2005, i went to the tower of London and stood on the grass very near where they killed Anne. it felt eerie and sad. i also went and saw the cell where they held Sir Thomas More, now St. Thomas More, the former chancellor of England and Henryviii s former best friend who died because he would not sign his name to the new law the act of succession.
making queen annes children legitimate and princess Mary, Henrys daughter with Katherine of Aragon,

Ken Jennings, Bear a son, as in to carry a male child ( childbearing.) She wasn't killed because she didn't expose a son, (bare) she was killed because she didn't birth one. (bear)

One mustn't say she "could not bear him a son" (since, after all, it was Henry VIII's over supply of X chromosome sperm that was the problem). Maybe, rephrase that to, "did not bear him a son."

Player camping grann
V.Loc 32, Mary Queen of Scots would have a problem haunting the Tower of London as she was never a prisoner there, she was beheaded at Fotheringhay Castle which was then pulled down so that her followers could not turn it into a place of pilgrimage.

Player #19986009
Anne Boleyn did birth a son for Henry VIII, unfortunately he was a stillborn!

Syphilis was what killed him... His ulcerated leg became infected with it and he was riddled.

Player #9753797
Ironic that the gender of fetus is determined by the male

SeventhAverage4, agreed, fat drunken loudmouthed obnoxious a***h@le

As I said on an earlier question, Henry VIII was an a&#@ole!

Player #6532678
That’s the Christian Europe?disqusting

ok Henry. paid the heads in Calais France 2 weeks nfor her trial

Got to be the most spectacularly ridiculous stitch up of all time.
Apart from the incest nonsense, Smeaton was gay which she knew about obviously, but that wouldn't have helped his case back then.
What a time to be alive.

Well, I dunno. If babies are born naked, and most of them are; why shouldn't it be "bare" children? Yuk, Yuk

HarleyMidgeyMom95., #woman

Player #4534077 Jas
CaptivatingRaven475, Yes. Bear is the correct spelling.

This is a very challenging game it has very interesting topics

CaptivatingRaven475, yes. it should be 'bear'.

CaptivatingRaven475, Yes, it should be bear - I noticed that too.

V.Loc 32
HarleyMidgeyMom95., my Dad was on guard duty at the Tower of London. He swears that Mary Queen of Scots still roams the passages with her head tucked underneath her arm.😀 That’s the story he told me.

Interesting how all male comments are BS, , not about the tragedy of her life

Player #2964204, Ugh, rotting, pus flesh along with not bathing. I am gagging!!

Watched 'The Other Boleyn Girl' a few days ago. Though ambitious at first, Anne's life while turning into and being the queen consort was rather sordid and sad.

Is 'bare' spelt correctly? Shouldn't it be 'bear?

Player Gene Sente
missy189, I would like to hear more then

Nothing like your dad beheading your to sharpen one’s political acumen.

Elizabeth is one of my favorite movies. Otherwise, I'd have never known this useful bit of trivia!

Player #2985708, Reign was an awful show that did not truthfully tell the story. It started ok and got far fetched quickly. Probably the reason it got cancelled.

Randall Stone, Are you claiming you knew her?

Player #2985708
watch Reign on Netflix... very insightful. Hate the series ended

Player #2983234
bear, not bare

missy189, Its been told, many times. PBS has had several excellent productions on it.

My 5th grader is doing a paper on QE 1 so I knew this