When were the Egyptian pyramids built?
Correct answer: Approximately 4500 years ago

Lady V
The Sphinx, right besides the great pyramids, was ancient already before the pyramids were built. Nobody knows how old it is as there are no records found but the erosion on it shows it wasn't eroded by the same weather conditions as anything else from ancient Egypt. Could be thousands of years older! Amazing.

Montana Lady
Syn, I don't believe they can use radiocarbon dating on limestone... it works on living things because they stop taking in carbon-14 when they die.

Icarium75, Where did you get your information? You may be correct, but I'd like to know why I should agree.

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that there was an ancient civilization in Giza around 12,000 BCE

The pyramids are way older than conventional scientists or historians would have us believe. Also, they were not constructed by the Ancient Egyptians whose history we know about. These dynastic Egyptians merely discovered and utilised them, they were never intended as tombs.
Additionally, there are pyramids that are described as being older as they are poorly formed and we are told that they were earlier attempts before the technique was perfected. This is also incorrect, they are in fact younger and were an attempt by the dynastic Egyptians to mimic what they had already found.

Montana Lady, mummies, archaeological excavation

Player #2456261, low country to the north. people of the area surely would have thought the entire world was flooded.
keep an open mind.

Player #2456261, it is widely believed that there was a major flood in the area thousands of years ago. As is told in the Noah flood story as well as the Gilgamesh epic. It is theorized the the Turkish straights were one a continuous land mass that collapsed (perhaps due to an earthquake. ) when the straights collapsed the Mediterranean rushed in flooding the low cou ly

Player #2456261
Disproves the Noah flood story timeline, wouldn't have been enough people to build them!

Player #29226304
apparently carbon dating doesn't work if the objects have been in water for any length of time, so if you believe in flood of Noah's day, all these things would have been submerged.