What is Cyrillic?
Correct answer: The alphabet used in Russian and other languages
I'm dyslexic the first time I saw the alphabet I freaked.I thought it was getting worse!!
So the "picture-picker" did read our previous comments :D
al sto je cetvrtina ljudi glasala za tecnost :)
Player #33258666
Radakyl, I am dyslexic also and have read some freaky things that weren’t freaky
⚜️Faruk ⚜️
Pa Dragče sine..🙌🏻
kelo wren, I think that’s cool. Could it be a spoken language too? How nice to communicate to several languages at once. Now that’s inclusion!
Dar3nzi, mislim da im liči na 'klirit' jer u tom objašnjenju piše nešto i epoxy-based adhesive, pa liči na neki materijal, plastiku.. ☺️
I'm the best
They were Greeks. That's why they used the greek alphabet
Dar3nzi, ретарди
Associating Cyrillic with Russian, rather than Bulgarian is extremely offensive
O' Brento
Kurt, I'm "impressed" with your knowledge. 😳😳😳
Gaga S
Dar3nzi, нема “j” i “lj”...
Gaga S
Dar3nzi, па немају људи појма, хахххаххх