Which phrase means 'to allow something to happen that cannot then be stopped'?
Correct answer: Let the genie out of the bottle

opening Pandora's box or the genie out of the bottle

Player #25874027
I often twiddle my thumps!

Andi, There are a lot of places to testify on the internet. Please don't make this one of them...

This expression has been used most often in terms of the "nuclear genie." It was used a lot after the Soviets got the bomb.

Player #109487331
You can't unring a bell, nor put toothpaste back in the tube works too lol

joymarch016, there have been wars since time began. I'd say WWII with the dropping of the atomic bomb was more significant.

Sounds like World War l !! Nothing ever went back the same again and normality was never reclaimed, we've all been fighting ever since !!

Does not forfil that criteria.

any indian girls here?
if there this is my ig