Which general was known as the "Desert Fox"?

Correct answer: Erwin Rommel

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What people think about it: 36 Comments
Player #1863223
Player #1863223
He was in on the plot to assassinate Hitler and because of his excellence on the field of battle he was given a choice to quietly commit suicide, avoid a public trial and his family would not be harmed after his death. That's the short version...I never knew this until I accidentally clicked on the description above and it took me to Wikipedia.
Rommel said "If i had to take Hell i would use Australians and if had to hold it I would use New Zealanders."
My young uncle was killed in No. Africa in WWII - Rommel's work - and I never knew him. But I learned about Rommel many years ago and he was a brilliant German patriot, tactician, military officer & honorable man. Not everyone in a German uniform was a homicidal psycopath.
pretty solid dude. involved in the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler and was forced to drink poison for his execution. Hitler lied about Rommel's death because he knew Germans wouldn't approve
i love war history questions!
i had not heard his story ( good history lesson)
Churchill was pure class.
Imagine if Rommel was in charge vs Pallus in the drive into Russia. Makes me shudder to think if the war would've turned out the same.
Player Tystyx
Player Tystyx
He was a Brilliant man and did not like NAZIS.
Player.    Ty
Player. Ty
Rommel was not a General. He was a Field Marshall,,, The youngest one ever appointed👽
Skip2bSquare, Churchill was a racist monster. A vile human being who during WWI and before lost the lives of tens of thousands needlessly because he saw himself as a military genius which he clearly was not. He sent the tans into Ireland. That alone shows the brutality of this Brit 'hero'. Stick an expensive suit on a pig and the Brits will elect it.
My grandfather fought against his units in Algeria and Egypt. He and his fellow countrymen had great respect for the Desert Fox.
James, just like the Americans and Russia right now.
Jay Jay
Jay Jay
Player #1863223, I found this out watching a film when I was little, starring James Mason as Rommel. Even though I am English, it was very sad when he had to kill himself, to save his family.
Dieu linh
Dieu linh
Sieu quay hoc gioi
Player #56815464
Player #56815464
SQinfoNUTS, it shows the toughness of the Anzacs in the desert war in Africa
Player #51556157
Player #51556157
Mr*Snazzy, apartheid was thriving in South Africa long before Churchill. it was the Boers who introduced segregation.
Tur D'ferguson
Tur D'ferguson
Guillermo, No-he-wasn't...
Player #32549118
Player #32549118
Player #1863223, Thank you for this as I read the link too, just to be clear though some scholars also think he is guilty of crimes, so he is a hero for getting Hitler but also had his own bad stuff too. To be where he was you’d have to be. So just giving a bit more perspective, but for anyone else just read the page, it’s better than snippets.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
mick dundee, if you tap on the setter’s name it takes you to the source material
Player #32665638
Player #32665638
LoopyLynda74, nobody beats the Russian winter.
Skip2bSquare, bravest.. human.. ev-er..
Player #13023389
Player #13023389
I knew the answer, my dad served in WW2 and was in Africa at the time. His stories still remain even though he has passed. Debby
When my friends and I used to go to the network to play the strategic game “General Zero Hour” my nickname in the game was Rommel.
mick dundee
mick dundee
Player #1863223, I didn't even know they were links, just thought they were references
Player #Thor
Player #Thor
Rommel commanded Hitler's bodyguard during the Polish Campaign in 1939. His first field command came in 1940 in France as the commanding general of the 7th Panzer Division (this division received the nickname of Ghost Division during the Campaign in France).
The ending of The Desert Fox with James Mason playing him was quite sad.
Player #1863223, I didnt know you could click on the reference as a link, thanks
Rommel would have been brilliant in the Soviet union, he would have got rid of those squint eyed, Goblin faced sub-humans ,a massive opportunity missed.
Player #6563898 Alex
Player #6563898 Alex
I think after his death his son came to the allies and joined them against Germany
It was never really proven that he was in on the plot to kill Hitler. His name came up in passing and that's all it took.
Player #4319749
Player #4319749
Hitler lived thru the bomb attack because the oak table was so thick.
IntransigentOgre264, Golly Rummel so that's a compliment huh.
Player #1863223, yeah, thats about right
Player #1863223, lol, I didn’t realize you could navigate to the source just by touching the typed link. Thank you 😊
Player #3906185
Player #3906185
ToughCricket72102, yes but your learning that is great