Which medical field studies the impact of psychological factors on physical health?
Correct answer: Psychosomatic medicine

Player #K
Love the pic

I believe this-after spouse died, then I was robbed; my body shut down and I was in como like state for months. All doctor s contributed it to me experiencing too much stress.

Donna, I’m so sorry for your loss & someone taking advantage of your tragedy. Keep your faith!

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, I don’t see Donna’s post but I think your advice is kind & intelligent.

Alison , I would find a way to meditate for an hour each day. You’ll be very surprised at the outcome. There are even meditation apps for help.

just me
Donna, Sorry to read of this extreme reaction to stress. That must have been a hard time for you. Hope you're doing better now? God bless you.

Player #16702581
interesting. so basically certain psychological issues can impact physical and medical.