Which plant is in the picture?
Correct answer: Sunflower
Explosion induced radiation (from bombs and reactors) is often airborne. When it reaches the ground, it often rests on the top layer of soil. Sunflowers are hyperaccumulators. This means that they are able to absorb high concentrations of toxic materials, including zinc, copper, lead and radioactive waste from soil and water. The resulting waste is stored in the leaves and stems of the sunflower.
This process is called bioremediation.
Player #96919
Lovely flowers. If looked after well, they can grow very tall
Player #33258123
sunflowers "follow" the sun with the face of the flower.
I just love sunflower seeds
Player #32119145
AMK, That was very interesting thks for the info
I just planted some sunflower seeds in my garden today
Player #20048639, I found a very informative article at 'The Prepping Guide' online.
When they have absorbed the majority of the waste (normally after three weeks), they are incinerated and the ash is stored in the same manner as other nuclear waste.
Player #47245644
I like the sunflower
Player #43054731
The flower is lovely❤❤
Player #29815438
well I'm thinking who wouldn't know this
the greek sunflower legend explains why sunflowers follow the sun across the sky
hey guys did you know you can eat sunflower seeds
this was interesting and learnt about sunflowers.
there are maaany fake sunflowers
I like the sunflower
Player #146863340
I love this flower
pebbles and the kittens♥
they can grow very tall
i wish the were something like this
AMK, thank you
Abba may
Guys, I just had a new record and it is 998 points at first I got 488 but now I’m at the 990 somehow it’s 988 I mean 998 sorry guys I keep messing up my scores somehow right now
I love sunflowers. it really is amazing that it's yellow color is made by nature and not humans.
I should have won the war
sunflower are yellow
ofc I know it's my fave flower
wow l love sunflower 🌻
sunflowers 🌻 bring a smile 😃 to my face
i love sunflower
✨️ Its lexi ✨️
✨️ Its lexi ✨️, I tried to put a phone but I didn't work
god of wisdom
this too easy
Alicia Parra
pipipipi 💔
Fox craze
Mohamed , I think nature is amazing to
Fox craze
Anoshy, is it yellow
Fox craze
•| Carlo, that’s my favourite flower to
Fox craze
ava, my name is ava to from Ava
Fox craze
Sorry to hear about that that whisperatnight
Fox craze
I love sunflowers
phuong uyen
sun flower is your Love me
it was so easy
Kemar43, same this made me hungry for some. Honey or salted, both delish.
i am right 👍🏿