The flowers in this picture are called what?
Correct answer: Dandelion

these are my favorite flowers because of their wilderness mainly

Player #48044781, they are considered a nuisance in the USA, accidentally introduced from Europe in sacks of grain and other seeds.

Star Swift
Believe it or not dandelion wine is unbelievably tasty in addition to the high spirits with a pleasant surprise

Our tortoise loves them 🐢

Glyn B
nature's medicine chest!

Player #8258475
gizmo, A weed is simply a plant/flower growing where it is not wanted😃

they can be made into wine

Giggle pig
Cristiana, fine: you can have all the ones in my lawn then.

Player #2148244, I have never heard of that.

DkRatz72, a weed that is hard to get rid of.

Cristiana, Technically Dandilion is classified as a herb. It was brought from Europe. It was used and is still used for medical purposes. Native Americans used it as well.

Player #97184361
baymax, They grow ‘ huge’ almost 3’feet tall in some open spaces in the city of Vancouver, Canada.

Growing up we called them “wet the beds” if you picked them, it made you wet the bed that night 🤣

Player #2148244
i thought they were also called wet the beds ?

Always wanted to try dandelion wine.

I'd love to learn how to make dandelion tea or wine. I have heard that both are delicious.

if you pick them it was always said you will wet the bed.

Player #3093136
have you tried eating one? they are edible, though I'm not recommending you to go out and pick one to eat.

I get thoose in my yard and backyard I love 💘

Bye! I'm gonna go watch YouTube Bye! (SSSniperWolf, PrestonPlayz, Dream, ASMR etc.)

Player #25376349
I keep trying to get them to grow for me.

baymax, me either because I have Black Diamond come out and spray my lawn lol

Player #25874027
They are easy to get rid of long term , just wait until they are seeding into the airborne seeds and then use a hoover on the the seeds

Player #48044781, they are, and a pain to get rid of, if you don't like them.

not had many dandelions this year.