What is an artificially constructed wall that regulates water levels called?
Correct answer: Levee

The question is misleading not all levees are artificial. I grew up near a natural levee by the Rio Grande.

Excuse the Kuz
The answer to this question makes me think about Led Zep. Good song.

Darth Ra
The levees breaking in New Orleans during Katrina caused one of the most devastating disasters. Many died and I had several family members displaced as a result.

... singing This will be the day that I die. Don McLean is one of my favorite singers.

arohanui, brain, is rye not a sort of

arohanui, but the levee was dry. Them good old boys drinking whiskey and rye...Then I get a bit confused, UK. rain

arohanui, it's only called a levee in America

"took my Chevvy to the levee..."

I had no clue lol

little b
I've not been on this type of water😈