What is the profession of the man in the picture?
Correct answer: Actor

Player Say what!?
After seeing an ad for Resident Alien I was kinda forced to binge watch the first season. I'm not familiar with this actor but can attest to his great acting in this series.

Player Say what!?, I didn't know of him until Resident Alien, also. He's a great actor!

I really liked him in Firefly, Serenity and A Knights Tale. However, his role in Resident Alien is the best! Season 2 just started and it looks like its going to be just as good as the first, if not better! Do yourself a favor and watch it, loads of fun!

I instantly knew the answer because I recognized his face. I thought he was brilliant in A Knight's Tale.

He is very versatile. you should see him in the British version of Death at a Funeral. He is inadvertently drugged. His scene in the bathroom and naked on a roof are the best. He was perfect.

I believe he was also in 3-10 to Yuma. He played the doctor in the Russell Crowe drama.

Wannabe Vulcan
I love both "Resident Alien" and "Tucker and Dale", but I never made the connection until now.

Sadly, I knew nothing of him until I started watching Resident Alien. He is brilliant and funny and just “looks right” to play the part of Dr. Harry. I need to set some time aside to watch these other productions he’s been in. I know I will love them as I love his Resident Alien character.

Alan Tudyk is always a win.

Player Say what!?, he's great on that show