Which weapon was nicknamed the "Peacemaker"?
Correct answer: Colt M-1873

any supernatural fans out there?..if there are.. Samuel Colt should ring a bell..lol

The picture is actually a Colt Patterson, Colt's original revolver. It featured a trigger that would fold down from the frame when the hammer was pulled back. The theory was that, that way the trigger couldn't get caught on the holster. The Patterson was massive and extremely heavy so while you could now fire 6 rounds off in seconds the gun never caught on and nearly bankrupt Colt before the Civil War.

Thank you Wynonna Earp

Sir Cool 1
Im a Canadian and i can’t believe i knew that!

GCA70, my mama told me if you don't have anything "nice" to say.... don't say anything at all!!!!

Player #8748992
yes I heard that name on supernatural before when Sam and Dean traveled back to the old Western days great episode. Sup lives 2020

Vanessa Dionisio, hi! Haha. I think I get most of my knowledge from supernatural lol x

I remembered this from the Back to the Future 3 movie. Absolutely great movie trilogy!

Vanessa Dionisio, Mad Supernatural fan here lol

Vanessa Dionisio, all men are not created equal. Samuel Colt changed that. That’s a quote I heard a long time ago.

I called a local gun dealer once to inquire about buying a Peacemaker. Prices range from $300 to $30,000. I can't afford the one I want, and I don't want the one I can afford...


Ms Betty Boop
Maybe I missed something but why is it called a peacemaker again. Got the whole company’s history 🤔

remusmckellen1, It was the first thing that came to me when I started to read x

King P1
a weapon never brings peace, it only brings death and destruction

Excuse the Kuz
Guns are great in movies. In real life, they blow.

Player Quitos, they put together the first firearm assembly line!

Craig Chambers
Colt 45 and 2 zigzag's.. baby that's all we need!!! Afro-man hey whatever happen to them

DeepFlyweight58611, PEACE MAKER??? I hate guns. I reside in Australia where only a few people are allowed to own guns. The American “right to bear arms” disgusts me. Every day on the international news there’s kids being slaughtered by the gun. I’m so glad I live here!!!

god made man , Sam colt made them equal!

I didn’t get a chance to make a choice. It was already chosen!

not exist WW3.

the Breeze
what do ya think nukes are for?
keeping the peace.

The iconic revolver of the West

An easy question for Americans, not so much the rest of us

I called a gun dealer once to ask about purchasing a Peacemaker. When I asked about pricing, he said, "Well, we can start around $300 and go up to $30,000. How much you got?"

remusmckellen1, yep... is why I HAD to check out what it was about 😆😆😆

remusmckellen1, An oxymoron if ever there was one, this would be it a GUN! A peace maker, hmmm!

UltraViolet, we still have cowboys and criminals. In fact we have even more criminals now than then most likely because we have several more billions of people in the world. But... there will never be a day when there are no criminals in the world. And you can't depend on a police officer to defend you when he is 10-20 minutes away and the gun is right in front of you pointed at you or your being threatened that it will be pointed at you. We definitely still need them. And I would say even more so now as so many people have no love for anyone but themselves. We live with our head in the same if we think criminals are gone.


kjngirlie, Thank you! I was wondering why it was called that.. hmmm

I wonder why it was called the Peacemaker? I know gun violence is prevalent in modern times but it sounds like it was a good defender. I wonder if that's the reason.🤔 Maybe I will do some more research. Sounds like Mr.Colt invented some interesting firearms! Show me them guns!!

it was harddd

DeepFlyweight58611, great information thanks

the questions are incredible! I would never have expected such an opportunity to test one knowledge.

I is smart
It looked like a colt in the picture

hitman episode 4 coming soon

Player #85801898
remusmckellen1, 1st thing i thought of 😁

Player Quitos
Sam Colt supplied guns for the Mexican American War in 1846, going into business with Eli Whitney, the inventor of the cotton gin.

Player #13615209, that's how I knew the answer as well lol